Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Drudge Gets It

An armed citizen is protection against out-of-control totalitarian governments. When the guns are gone, tens of millions can die. It's Sandy Hook times millions.


  1. It might be good to examine this Hitler stuff a bit.
    It is not really accurate.
    Gun banning lefties put gun control laws in place in Germany long before Hitler came to power.
    Hitler actually loosened them up a tad except for Jewish people in 1938.

    1. Hitler's government also was the first to introduce the "sporting purpose" clause that our own 1968 Gun Control Act and subsequent import bans by the first Bush in 89 and Clinton copied. In fact, the entire 1968 gun control act that created things like FFLs was modeled after the Nazi gun control act introduced when Hitler was in power.

      But yes, your overall point is correct that guns were taken prior to Hitler obtaining power, which is the same pattern as Russia, Cambodia, etc. An excellent book on this was done years ago by William Norman Grigg called "Global Gun Grab" who documented that the dictators didn't generally disarm the people, but that leftist type governments did so which allowed the dictators to take power and maintain it without resistance.

    2. And looking at Hitler's policies, disregarding his racial views, what makes you think he was not a lefty?

      Militarism, nationalism, welfarism, environmentalism, control of the economy. All of these things are either leftist or can easily be found with leftists as well.

    3. lol. Yeah right.

  2. "The president is going to act," Biden said. "Executive order, executive action that can be taken, we haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and all the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action, we believe, is required."

  3. the elite media types on twitter hate drudge's sensationalism but lucky for us HAVE to respect his reach (as they beg for a link on his front page). he's a national treasure.

  4. Thank God for Drudge. Not kidding - he is probably the single most powerful internet traffic driver for the news and he is waking millions up to the pro gun side and riling up the base. I can't even imagine how many millions of calls and emails Congress is getting now from the pro gun side.

    He can't make up for the entire rest of the media advocating banning guns, but he gives us a fighting chance.

  5. This would never happen in the land of the free, right?

    1. I'm afraid those days have passed. Thanks federal reserve.
