Sunday, January 6, 2013

Michael Moore Smackdown of Bill Kristol

When it comes to economics, Michael Moore certainly wouldn't be able to tell the difference between supply and demand curves and Joe Stalin's mustache. But Moore is very good on war and does a sharp and funny smackdown of Bill Kristol, here.


  1. " Moore is very good on war "

  2. Moore is very good on war

    Really? Have you ever asked him for his opinion on WW2?

    1. Well, remember WWII is the Holiest of Holies and is not to be questioned by anybody. If you do you're a Nazi sympathizer, anti-Semitic, and so on. I mean even more and more mainstream historians will tell you Germany and Japan was not out for world conquest (not that it would have been possible anyway).

  3. I wonder if Moore has ever questioned why he's against the war machine overseas, while cheering on the gigantic welfare state run by the same gang of crooks here at home. He's probably too busy stuffing his face with pizzas and Big Macs to consider something so basic.

    Maybe he'll get a clue when weaponized drones are buzzing overhead in the Land of the Free.

    1. Yeah. It just doesn't make any sense does it?

      How can these useful idiots think the SAME government that is so corrupt on overseas affairs is somehow completely pure at home?I just don't get it. The conservatives are just the flip side of that. They're both beyond stupid. It is just totally baffling!

    2. One never sees the sky when you are licking the hand that feeds you or bent over holding your ankles gritting your teeth.

  4. If Michael Moore is good on war, then where are the smackdowns on Democrats, especially Obama?

    Michael Moore smackdowns Bush. Smackdowns Bill Krystol. Been there, done that. Just Democrat bashing Republican that doesn't take any balls.

    When a Republican is in the white house, Moore attacks him.
    When a Democrat is in the white house, Moore attack the Republicans.
    See the pattern? This doesn't mean sh** to me.

    1. Good point. He even specifically referenced drone strikes the other day, just like Bill Maher does, yet both spent time and money to elect Mr Drone Strike himself....

  5. I'll echo the sentiment as well. Moore is just like the conservatives who complain about Obama's abuses but at the same time think those of us who want fascist laws like the Patriot Act gone are terrorists.


    My favorite Michael Moore related story.

    "Filmmaker Michael Moore's (search) bodyguard was arrested for carrying an unlicensed weapon in New York's JFK airport Wednesday night.

    Police took Patrick Burke, who says Moore employs him, into custody after he declared he was carrying a firearm at a ticket counter. Burke is licensed to carry a firearm in Florida and California, but not in New York. Burke was taken to Queens central booking and could potentially be charged with a felony for the incident.

    Moore's 2003 Oscar-winning film "Bowling for Columbine" criticizes what Moore calls America's "culture of fear" and its obsession with guns."

    This is the same guy always trying to get firearms banned for the avg citizen, ha ha! Nothing epitomizes the 1% elite talk that OWS always brought up than Hollywood and DC elites demanding citizens be disarmed while they can either afford to have armed security 24/7 or the taxpayers provide it.
