Sunday, January 6, 2013

The EPJ Calendar: The Good, The Bad & The Interventionists

By, Chris Rossini
Email | Twitter

Each Sunday EPJ publishes a calendar of upcoming political & economic events. The appearance of an event does not necessarily equal an endorsement by EPJ; hence the name The EPJ Calendar: The Good, The Bad & The Interventionists.

If you believe that your event, speech, meetup, etc. should be on our weekly calendar, please email me at

Coming Up

1 comment:

  1. I noted on one of the podcasts that Bob Wenzel is giving a speech to the Mises Institute about the collapse of the USSR. If he hasn't read "The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin's Russia" by Tim Tzouliadis, I'd highly recommend it. Plus, it's cheap.

    It's an outstanding book. I had read several of the Robert Conquest books before this but I never got the touch and feel of the USSR as one giant Auschwitz slaughterhouse until I read "Forsaken". Plus, it's primarily about the 10,000 dewy-eyed American commies (and thousands of commies from other nations) who moved to the paradise where almost all of them were ultimately slaughtered. No one cared then and no one cares now as evidenced by the fact that you can buy this excellent 2009 book real cheap. I think it would make a great Hollywood movie, but what do I know?

    BTW, I am always fascinated by the perpetual denial of "progressives" about the horrors their policies invariably cause.
