Monday, April 8, 2013

New Jersey Will Soon Be Covered in Giant Bugs

New York Magazine on NJ:
[...]an imminent, massive cicada invasion sounds particularly awful. The big, noisy bugs live underground and emerge only when soil temperature reaches 64 degrees — usually once every 17 years — and scientists expect billions of them to wreak havoc across the Garden State once spring warms up. One prediction says that the hardest hit areas might get as many as 36 bugs per square foot — or one every square four inches 


  1. Given that NJ is one of the most socialist states in the US, they should be right at home with the leeches.

  2. while it will be annoying, it's not that bad, chicagoland had a infestation back in 07 and not a lot happened, just keep your car windows closed.

  3. That's alright, Governor Christie has a large appetite.

  4. I've lived through 2 of these 17yr cicada explosions. I like the defense tactic of the bug, predator saturation. So many are hatched in such a short time that it is impossible to consume enough to prevent the next generation from being produced. I believe our species is using the same tactic with our own struggle with statism. As humans continue to expand in numbers we become harder to govern. Humans are literally fucking their way to liberty.

  5. Oh God, they cloned Christie...
