Stone tweeted this pic of himself with Assange:
Stone also tweeted:
A sad occasion in that Julian could not follow me out the door. He lives in a tiny room with great modesty and discipline.
Strong mind, no sun,friends who visit, work to be done,one documentary coming out from Alex Gibney that is not expected to b kind #Wikileaks
Another film from Dreamworks which is also going to be unfriendly...#Wikileaks
I don't think most people in the US realize how important Wikileaks is and why Julian's case needs support. @wikileaks
Julian Assange did much for free speech and is now being victimized by the abusers of that concept. @wikileaks
Isn't Assange the "C" man in a A contracts with B to hold secrets scenario? Isn't he the co-thief of contractually protected information property?