Below you'll find everything that has been published on EPJ for the week ended Friday July 5th, 2013. The hottest posts for each day are highlighted in red.
Friday 7/5/13
- Price Inflation Alert
- Michael Hastings and the Hillary Clinton Link
- Koch Brothers: We Have the Crony Edge
- A Yiddish Lesson from Paul Krugman
- Rahmaland Fireworks: 34 People Shot on July 4th
- Lessons from Egypt: On Toppling the Ruling Elite
- Top Ten Cities With the Most Multi-Millionaires (The list will surprise you)
- Bitcoin Crashing: Is It the Fault of the Winklevoss Twins?
- CNBC Anchor Joe Kernen Climate Science a “Bona Fide Cult”
- Fireworks, Bullets Flying In Violent Cairo Conflict
- Kicking The Iraqis When They're Down
- Treasury Yields Spike to 2011 High
- The First Arrest Filmed With Google Glass
- Have a Gmail Account? Want to See what NSA 'Metadata' Really Means?
- Lew Headed to Moscow
- Hayek Remix
- Who Really Wrote the Declaration of Independence?
- It's Going to Get Nasty in Kentucky
- Mark Leibovich on Alan Greenspan's Wife
- The Free Market Worked Really Well for James Gandolfini
- Exploding Some Callahan Confusions
- Ron Paul: US Egypt Policies Don't Pass the Laugh Test
- Using Metadata to Identify Paul Revere as a Troublemaker
- WATCH YOUR BACK WARNING: Attempted Setup of Luke Rudkowski
Wednesday 7/3/13
- Bolivian President Morales at Vienna Airport After Being Diverted On Suspicions He Was Transporting Edward Snowden
- Latest Weiner Photo
- NYU Economics Professor Arrested for Stalking Citigroup’s Chief Economist
- Does Snowden STILL Have Access to the NSA Computer Network?
- The Delay in the Obamacare Business Mandate Is a Trick Similar to the Type FDR Used with Regard to Social Security
- Massive Protests in Egypt
- Hayek On Economists Who Get Corrupted By Government
- Is Jesse Benton Warming Up To Lead Rand Paul 2016 Presidential Campaign?
- CyberWarrior Skype Attack at Zimmerman Trial
- John Stossel versus Mrs. Ludwig von Mises
- YIKES, No Wonder Citigroup Economist Willem Buiter Was Freaked Out Over the NYU Stalking Economist
- A Bureau of Labor Statistics Economist on the EPJ Daily Alert
- What in the World Can Edward Snowden Possibly Do All Day at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport?
- Neocon Bolton Hails Egyptian Military Coup
- The Incoming Head of the American Economic Association is a Climate Freak
- Yet Again: 'Rand Paul Must Separate Himself From His Father'
- The Great Obamacare Intergenerational Swindle
- The 21 Places Snowden Has Sent Asylum Requests
- Egypt on The Edge: Mursi Rebuffs Army Ultimatum
- The Nudge That Will Force Banks to Put More Money Into Treasury Securities
- The People's Republic of California is Sinking
- Egypt: What a Shame
- Pimco Total Return Had $9.9 Billion Withdrawals in June
- JPMorgan: Ten Reasons to Get Overweight Commodities... Now
- Must Watch: "If You Want A Picture of the Future, Imagine a Boot Stamping on a Human Face---Forever"
- Glenn Greenwald: New Bombshell Coming
- A Whole Mess From Krugman About Whole Milk and Beyond
- HOT: Bolivia leader's jet diverted 'amid Snowden suspicions'
- BREAKING Obamacare Delay for Businesses
- Ann Coulter: Rand Paul Is Too Short to be President
- Bitcoin Dealer Mt. Gox Files with US Treasury
- MUST READ: Peter Schiff on the Gold Crash
- 'Desperate Move': Snowden Has Met With Russian Diplomatic Officials
- BREAKING Putin Says Snowden Can Stay in Russia
- A Few Thoughts on the 100 Degree Temperatures and the Crony Climatology Complex
- SOLVED: The Female Brain
- RIZZO: The Chicago School of Economics is Dying
- Argentine President Battles Inflation by Launching Government Clothing Line
- The Socialist Destruction of France
- U.S. Cities Where It’s Cheaper to Buy Than Rent
- Why the Multicultural Marxists in the Media Want To Destroy Paula Dean
- Snowden Issues Statement Condemning Actions of Both Obama and Biden
- Winklevoss Twins File to Launch Bitcoin Tracking Stock
- The Real Kentucky Derby: Mitch McConnell to Face Strong Challenger
- Edward Snowden's Letter to the President of Ecuador – full text
- Ron Paul and Vince Vaughn Grabbing Grub
- The Noose Tightens: New US Sanctions Imposed on Iran to Halt Gold Trading
- The Police State is Not Dog Friendly
- Barbara Oakley Discusses Pathological Altruism on The Robert Wenzel Show
- LA School System to Teach Kids to Deliver Obamacare Message to Parents
- Daily Beast Headline: 'Rand Paul: I'm Not My Dad'
- Map Shows Highest Gas Taxes
- This Week in TSA Drama
- Why Did China's ATMs Stop Working Last Sunday?
- Five Quotes to Make Your BS Detector Better
- STRIKE ALERT: SF Rapid Transit Talks Break Down
- Twitter Thinks I am Monitoring the Government
- Rahmaland Weekend: 1 Dead, 16 Injured in Shootings Since Friday Evening
- Egypt to Implode?
- NY Fed: The Truth About the Job Market for Recent College Graduates
- Why I Still Am Not Impressed with Edward Snowden Leaks
- Investment Analyst Leaves Day Job to Become Full-Time Fantasy Sports Player
- Stanford Graduate Business School: 10 Verbal and Non-Verbal Signs to Spot a Liar at Work
- Quick Review: White House Down
- MUST VIEW What the Media Isn't Telling You About War in Syria
- What Paula Deen Should Tell Her Detractors
- IMPORTANT Ron Paul on Edward Snowden, Keynesianism, Gold Manipulation and the Fed Losing Control
- USG Pressure Intensifies: Biden Asks Ecuador’s President to Deny Snowden Asylum
- What's Brewing with Ron Paul? Is International News Ahead?
- Here's What It Looks Like When Two Hacker FBI Informants Try To Inform On Each Other
- The President Doth Protest Not Enough
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