Friday, August 23, 2013

BREAKING: Pentagon Preparing A Cruise Missile Launch Against Syria


  1. When the Palestinians return to the bargaining table a war with an Israeli neighbor isn't far off. Israel is loathe to fight a three front war, even with Uncle Sam's generous assistance.

    So where is Congressional approval to begin war with Syria? The Blues can't give Bush a hard time and let Obama skate.

  2. The libertarian in me says keep out of it.
    But fk that, these bastards were warned by the US not to use chemweaps, they did and now little children are convulsing and dying in the streets.

    Assad needs more than a lesson.

    1. I don't believe you have a libertarian in there. I believe that's a government agent in there.

    2. Thanks for checking in with us, NSA/DOD Paid Troll #54162, a.k.a "garyonthenet".

      I suspect there is no libertarian in you at all.

    3. Just like last time, when chemical weapons were used, everything looked like the rebels used them.

      the assadies haven't used chemical weapons yet and really why would they when their normal weapons work fine and because they appear to be winning.

  3. Dead kids or not, its still not our business. What's the difference between killing with guns and gas?

  4. US Foreign Policy never ceases to amaze me. They'll probably let McCain launch the missiles.

  5. garyonthenet, do you really believe the western media, and its governmental sponsorship, so wholly that you don't remain at all skeptical about who perpetrated the attack, what chemicals were used or why?

    It's quite obvious that this is a false flag attack, probably done by the rebel 'special forces' that have been being trained by the CIA and Brit intel agencies on the Jordanian border. It is no surprise that there were stories that these forces were on their way to Damascus hours before the stories of the chemical attack.

    Libertarian or not, everyone needs to realize that the government and the media lies to us constantly. How about we investigate a little before launching missiles willy-nilly into the most volatile region and into a three years running civil war.

  6. All we have so far is the accusations of the rebels who have been known to lie.

    Also its strange that the US is demanding that the Syrian government provide access to the site when its the rebels who are the ones in charge of the area. Shouldn’t the US be demanding that the rebels provide access. Especially since the US government has already declared that the rebels are the legitimate government of Syria and should be responsible for providing access.

  7. Bob, could this be a spook factor?
