Thursday, August 22, 2013

DHS Employee Running Website Predicting Race War

A Homeland Security employee is the operator of a racist website predicting and advocating a race war, an annontmous department official said Thursday, reports NyPo
Ayo Kimathi, who is an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, operates the site, War on the Horizon, which includes descriptions of an "unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race."

NyPo continues:
The opening page of Kimathi's website describes the group as "a Haitianist organization created for the purpose of preparing black people worldwide for an unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race. Whites around the world are absolutely determined to exterminate Afrikan (sic) people in all corners of the Earth."

"Warfare is eminent, and in order for black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites — more than our Christian hearts can possibly count," reads a 2010 post titled "Black Ethnic Cleansing: An Idea Whose Time Has Come." ''Waging war against whites is at the core of the Afrikan warrior's spirit. It's the flame that drives our willingness to fight in the face of certain defeat and/or death."

The website criticizes whites, gays and blacks who integrate with whites and those of mixed race. Many of the postings are signed with the phrase, "We'll see you on the battlefield."

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the crazy, racist assholes from all the races can just go to an island somewhere and fight it out. They could broadcast it on MTV.
