For $34,000 a plate fundraiser held at the home of New York Jets owner Woody Johnson, the heavy hitters got to take the measure of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio; Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, reports NyPo.
According to NyPo, sources said that while all received the same level of applause, it was Paul and Christie who caused the most excitement.
Those in attendance included John Whitehead, former chair of Goldman Sachs; Ed Forst, ex-COO of Goldman Sachs; Brain France, CEO of NASCAR; Ed Conrad, founder of Bain Capital; Emil Henry, a Treasury official in the George W. Bush administration; Barry Friedberg, president of Friedberg Milstein LLC and state GOP chairman Ed Cox.
Continue to expose Rand for the fraud that he is Wenzel.