Thursday, September 26, 2013

What's Really Going On in the House of Representatives

Gary North has the best take that I have seen. This also, btw, is why Ted Cruz is making so much anti-Obamacare noise in the Democrat controlled Senate :
The House of Representatives is making a symbolic attempt to shut down ObamaCare. The members know that they cannot get this through the Senate. Obama would veto it even if they could.

Why are they doing this? Because they can. They can let the voters back home know that they are taking a stand. They identify themselves as anti-ObamaCare. They can run on this platform in November of 2014[...]

So, how long will House Republicans continue to take a stand? Until the polls indicate that they will lose in November 2014.

On October 1, enrollment in the exchanges is to begin. But hardly anyone knows how to enroll yet. The computer programs are not ready. The confusion has not yet hit. The sense of betrayal has not yet hit Obama’s poll numbers.

If Republicans can hold out long enough for resentment against the program to spread, they win politically. They can hold out longer. But at some point, they will capitulate. That’s what the uncertainty is all about. It’s about the timing of their capitulation. If they wait too long, we could get a Democrat-controlled House in 2015. Pelosi would be back in power. The Pelosi-Reid-Obama team would run the country for two years. What might come out of that?

In November, both parties want to run on this slogan: “We told you so.” The Democrats want to run on “We told you so about Republicans’ hostility to the middle class.” Republicans want to run on “We told you so about how bad ObamaCare is.”

That’s what the House’s fight is really all about. They can make their point before the government really does start cutting spending enough to create backlash in November. Then they will decide that enough is enough. They will vote for another continuing resolution.

The fight will be over how long the continuing resolution is for. From the Republicans’ viewpoint, the shorter, the better. They will then get to complain about ObamaCare every few months. The Democrats want a long extension. That will be what the fight will boil down to. But the House Republicans will capitulate.


  1. "It’s about the timing of their capitulation."

    Great defeatist attitude there Gary. If that is really how they feel, then that bunch of pu&&ies need to go home now and let the American people replace them with someone with true intelligence and the will to fight.

  2. No, not even close. There is no leadership and there is no plan. Republicans in Tea Party districts have to oppose everything Obama does or they will get "primaried" in 2014. They are merely running scared of the far right wackos who make up their base, people who literally believe that Obama is the anti-christ.

    1. No, Obama is not the Anti-Christ, just a better than average psychopathic con man. So exactly what is a "Tea Party district" anyway? Do you mean a conservative district? If you think the average conservative is a wacko, then by comparison the people who vote for Nancy Pelosi, Bob Filner, Jesse Jackson Jr. etc. must be completely insane or maybe just completely degenerate. If you really want to see world class wackos up close and personal then I suggest attending city council meetings in Berkeley, Boulder, Seattle, Tucson, Austin, Portland, L.A., New York City etc.

    2. "So exactly what is a "Tea Party district" anyway?"

      That's the Democrat bogeyman that's being used as a propaganda piece to keep their people in check and vilify those not wanting to play ball with a corrupt gov't(which doesn't include most Republicans).

      In reality, "Tea Party" is an amorphous label without much meaning.

  3. "In November, both parties want to run on this slogan: “We told you so.” The Democrats want to run on “We told you so about Republicans’ hostility to the middle class.” Republicans want to run on “We told you so about how bad ObamaCare is.”"

    In truth, Americans no longer care what Republicrats and Demolicans do - two sides of the same coin, and the coin is fiat and worthless. We are taking our country back community by community, courthouse by courthouse, state by state, and have put Washington notice that the lies, theft, and wars will no longer be tolerated. The only thing worse than shutting down the government is to keep the corpse on life support...

    1. "We are taking our country back community by community, courthouse by courthouse, state by state, and have put Washington notice that the lies, theft, and wars will no longer be tolerated. "

      Do you have any evidence to back up this claim? It sounds too optimistic. I see Americans continuing to elect status quo politicians year in and year out. I'm willing to change my view, but only with evidence.

    2. "Americans no longer care what Republicrats and Demolicans do" -Really? I think you should try talking to more people that aren't political junkies and form opinions based on the short segments they see on tv when they return from work. I'd say that most are dissatisfied but still have a personal attachment to a party. Young people are more aware of the situation because of the internet and challenging job market.

  4. I'd take a bet against OsCare, it will never make it thru implementation.

  5. I love this character Jerry Wolfgang. Whoever created him is a genius. It like he took every mindless MSNBC talking point, reduced it to its blandest expression, bundled it together in a package that can only be compared with Jim Carey's character in Dumb and Dumber, and them posts his sublime comic posts here.
    I pray to God that Jerry isn't a real person who believes what he writes. It's too painful to contemplate.
