Friday, September 6, 2013

Woman Informing Kerry, McCain’s Opinions on Syria is a Paid Advocate for Rebels

Charles Johnson at The DC writes:
The woman whose opinion lawmakers are relying on to go to war in Syria is also a paid advocate for the war-torn country’s rebels.

On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry encouraged members of the House of Representatives to read a Wall Street Journal op-ed by 26-year-old Elizabeth O’Bagy — an analyst with the Institute for the Study of War — who asserted that concerns about extremists dominating among the Syrian rebels are unfounded.

“Contrary to many media accounts, the war in Syria is not being waged entirely, or even predominantly, by dangerous Islamists and al-Qaida die-hards,” O’Bagy wrote for the Journal on Aug. 30. “Moderate opposition groups make up the majority of actual fighting forces,” she wrote.

But in addition to her work for the Institute for the Study of War, O’Bagy is also the political director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), a group that advocates within the United States for Syria’s rebels — a fact that the Journal did not disclose in O’Bagy’s piece.

In an interview with The Daily Caller, O’Bagy said that despite her title as the group’s political director, she is paid as a contractor.


  1. McCain and Kerry are paid advocates for the rebels.

    1. Correction. McCain and Kerry are paid shills and errand-boys for the zio-fascist profiteers and bankster oligarchy.

  2. "But in addition to her work for the Institute for the Study of War, O’Bagy is also the political director for the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), a group that advocates within the United States for Syria’s rebels — a fact that the Journal did not disclose in O’Bagy’s piece."

    How come neocons do not get upset over this woman providing aid and comfort to Al Qaeda?

    1. That would require knowledge and reasoning powers, somthing NeoCons and DemoSocialists lack.


  3. Any wonder now that the WSJ is owned by Murdoch & Co. aka News Corp.? It's all part of the globalist smoke and mirrors game to hood those who have neither eyes to see nor ears to hear...
