Monday, October 14, 2013

Isn't It Time the Prez Tell the First Lady to Get Her Butt in Gear and Start Pulling Some Weeds?

Lynn Sweet reports:

The White House garden — first lady Michelle Obama’s signature project — is a weed-filled wreck, a victim of the partial federal government shutdown, hitting Day 14 on Monday.

As a result of neglect, “the vegetables filling the 1,500 square-foot plot are now rotting away on the vines and in the boxed beds,” reports Eddie Gehman Kohan, the founder and editor of Obamafoodorama, the publication of record when it comes to food and entertaining at the Obama White House.

Gehman Kohan has aimed her long photographic lens at the garden every day since Oct. 1 to record the impact of the shutdown on the usually carefully tended garden.

With staff on furloughs, only a “skeletal crew of National Park Service gardeners..remain on duty,” Gehman Kohan reports and while they can water, “the gardeners are not allowed to harvest the crops, a White House source told Obamafoodorama.

“Weeds are springing up everywhere, and the vegetables that have already fallen off the vines are now mouldering on the ground.

“There are also mushrooms popping up inside and outside the garden beds, and leaf litter raining from the trees like confetti. The wildlife that lives on the historic 18-acre campus–including a newly arrived fox now making a home at the White House–are having a field day,” Gehman Kohan writes.

(ht Markie Oles)


  1. "...only a “skeletal crew of National Park Service gardeners..remain on duty.” And you know what a bitch it is to pick veggies wearing full Swat Team body armor to keep visitors away from the garden...

    1. If they've got weeds that big and rotting veggies already alongside the mushrooms, it's got nothing to do with the shut-down and everything to do with 'don't give a crap' attitude of those who tend the garden.

      Not to slam weeds, or anything. Some of them can be eaten. But I doubt that was the plan.

  2. I agree, why can't the wookie get off her fat @ss and do some weeding?

    1. Answer: No TV cameras showing how our great First Lady soldiers on during the shutdown. Chin up, shoulders back, never say die attitude, leading by example. Showing all the suffering masses that she shares their pain. [Choir starts in the background - "Thaaaa Sun'ill come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow, come what may"]

      Nope, just - "Fuck It" - no political advantage here...

    2. And get the two pampered brats out there to help too. Between the three of them they should be able to clear it out in no time.

  3. The real mouldering is occurring inside the White House.

  4. Her fat ass is too busy eating to garden

  5. Am i supposed to care the symbol of state power has a garden full of weeds?
    I would be more pissed off if despite the "shut down" there were still plenty on staff to make it immaculate.
    And of course the first lady wouldn't do anything. No first lady would. That's why they're the president's wife. So they don't have to lift a finger to do the work of lowly people.

  6. Tony, get your Obama loving azz to the WH and get that garden in shape, little troll!

    1. Read what i wrote AGAIN, doofus.
      And this time use your brain.
      Then maybe you'll figure out i'm exactly the opposite of what you think.
