Thursday, October 24, 2013

PREPARE FOR HYSTERIA: Pirates Have Captured 2 US Sailors Off the Coast of Nigeria


If the US minded its own business and didn't have ships off the coast of Nigeria, this wouldn't have happened.


  1. More info on the story

  2. Gee. 1. I wonder how the capturing happened. and 2. I wonder where this is going to take us now.

    Hysteria: "OH NO!!! Those evil Islamic infiltrators are ruining Nigeria and need to be taken out to save the world's economy. And, somehow (draw dots and lines later) for U.S. and U.K. national security." "They're killing Christians! All of them Islamo-commies! Let's go get 'em!" At least this is what the neocons hope for. (Never mind pirates have no interests in destroying property, and, usually, not directly associated with Islamic terrorists.)

  3. If these pirates do end up destroying property and goods or do some terrorist like action, then we shouldn't assume that they have converted to terrorism, but ask the question who are they for real? They could be pirates but it wouldn't be consistent with their history.

  4. Bob, I'm having trouble tracking you on this one. Are you saying this wouldn't have happened if commercial enterprises, e.g., oil tankers, hired private security? That commercial enterprises have no business being off the coast of Nigeria in the first place? Or that if it were not the US, it would have been someone else?

  5. Nothing like a good kidnapping to change the lead. Muh Troops!
