Kevin Hall of the writes:
For those remaining gullible Kent Sorenson sycophants who are convinced he’s been totally honest this whole time and is completely innocent, think about this: Why would an innocent man plead the Fifth?
Sorenson trying to explain the “deeply suspicious” $73,000 in wire transfers he received in 2012 is the least convincing witness testimony since Vinny Gambini cross-examined Mr. Tipton …[...]
This story isn’t over, either. Sorenson could still face criminal charges for lying, and the Bachmann and Ron Paul campaigns still have some ‘splainin to do.
Here is the video.
I emphasize once again, there is a big difference between Ron Paul and "Ron Paul, Inc."
Ron Paul is a man of principle trying to get the liberty message out, "Ron Paul, Inc." consists mostly of political operatives, who consider principles an obstacle.
Everyone, innocent or otherwise, should use their fifth amendment right to its fullest extent. Kevin Hall is making an inane argument.