Saturday, December 7, 2013

Afghanistan: British Imperialism 101

By Eric Margolis

Those wondering what lies in store for Afghanistan need only look at the way the British Empire ruled Iraq in the 1920’s. As Shakespeare wrote,  “what is past is prologue.”

Imperial Britain created the state of Iraq after World War I to secure Mesopotamia’s vast oil deposits that had become vital for the Royal Navy. To control this artificial nation seething with unrest, Britain imposed a puppet king, Faisal, and created a native army commanded by British officers.

Britain’s colonial rule was formalized by the 1930 Anglo-Iraq Treaty, a deal between puppet and master.

But real power in Iraq was held by the Royal Air Force, which was “granted” two permanent bases at Habbaniyah and Basra. The RAF ruled supreme over the open wastes of Iraq.

Winston Churchill,  patron saint of today’s war-lusting neoconservatives, authorized the RAF to use poison gas against “unruly” tribesmen in Iraq and Afghanistan. Britain created public institutions and sham political parties  in Baghdad that had no links at all to Iraq’s population, which mostly hated their British rulers.

British Iraq was the prologue to today’s Afghanistan. The  British Empire’s heir, the American Imperium, plans to duplicate the Iraqi Brittanica in Afghanistan.

Read the rest here.

1 comment:

  1. What is past ... may not be the future, as the US Global Hegemonic Empire is doomed ... by God to failure!

    The age of global trade, that was characterized by long B2B supply chains, with sourcing in the Emerging Markets, EEM, such as Thailand, THD, and Brazil, EWZ, and manufacturing in Developed Market, South Korea, EWY, and with investment flowing from massive rivers of credit investing and currency carry trade investing, that commenced after the 2008 financial system crash, came to an end on Monday, December 2, 2013, as bond vigilantes called the Interest Rate on the US Ten Year Note, ^TNX, higher to 2.84%. The US Dollar Hegemonic Empire, synonymous with the banker regime, and global trade, is history, gone forever, on the failure of fiat money.

    Liberalism was an age and a paradigm whose objective was to make investors wealthy via the seigniorage of a banker regime consisting of a speculative leveraged investment community and a US Dollar Hegemonic Empire, through the process of globalism, based upon the sovereignty of democratic nation states, founded upon the most extreme financialization of equity and debt as is possible, as has been foretold in bible prophecy of the Statue of Empires in Daniel 2:25-45. It was God’s desire from eternity past to create two massive legs of iron wealth, these being the British Empire, and the US Dollar Hegemonic Empire, immediately before He brings forth the Two Feet Empire, with its miry mixture of policies of regional economic diktat in the world’s ten regional zones, and totalitarian collectivism in mankind’s seven human institutions.

    The beast regime is synonymous with the Two Feet Kingdom seen in Daniel's Statue of Empires, this two footed, and ten toed monster, is described as in Daniel 7:7, as “beastly, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong; it has huge iron teeth; it’s devouring, breaking in pieces, and tramples the residue with its feet. It’s different from all the beasts that were before it, as it has ten horns”. This fourth beast is very much a revived Roman Empire, as Elevation Ministries posts The Last In A Lineage Of Four Beasts: the Roman Empire, the Greek Empire, the Merdo Persian Empire, and the Babylonian Empire.

    There have been other golden ages of trade, one was at the zenith of the sovereignty of the British Empire, as the relates the peak sovereignty and seigniorage of the British Empire; “Between1820 and 1913, British per capita income grew faster than at any time in the past, three times as fast as in 1700–1820.

    “The United Kingdom already had an important role in international finance, thanks to the soundness of its public credit and monetary system, the size of its capital market and public debt, and the maintenance of a gold standard. The existence of the empire created a system of property rights which appeared to be as securely protected as those available to investors in British securities. It was a wealthy country operating close to the frontiers of technology, so its rentiers were attracted to foreign investment even when the extra margin of profit was small. From the 1870s onward, there was a massive outflow of British capital for overseas investment. The United Kingdom directed half its savings abroad. French, German and Dutch investment was also substantial ... By 1950 colonialism was in an advanced state of disintegration. With one or two exceptions, the exit from empire was more or less complete by the 1960s. The British imperial order was finished, as were those of Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Japan. In the West, the United States had emerged as the hegemonial power competing with the Soviet bloc for leverage in the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa”.
