Sunday, December 15, 2013

Amanda Billyrock Arrested in Laconia, New Hampshire

Libertarian activist Amanda Billyrock has released the following statement on her Facebook page:
I have recently been released from the jail in Laconia, New Hampshire. Home now.

My inexpressible gratitude to all of you who called the jail and spread the word about my sudden and violent kidnapping. I had no idea that there had been so much support - I teared up when I logged onto Facebook and saw it.

My deepest thanks to the Free State Project community, without whom I would still be in a cage right now.

The details of this incident of unwarranted aggression will be released after I pull myself together and sort things out with my attorney Seth Hipple.

Thanks again, brothers and sisters. The free society is us.

 Here's a video of what went down.

As long time EPJ readers know, I am not a big fan of direct confrontations with government. That said, it can be fun to kick a little sand in the face of The Man, as long as the consequences aren't too serious. And this falls well within the time in jail that lefty rabble rouser Saul Alinsky, who knew a thing about confronting The Man, viewed as not taking you out of the game:
[R]evolutionary leaders should make certain their publicized violations are so selected that their jail terms are relatively brief, from one day to two months. The trouble with a long sentence is that (a) a revolutionary is removed from action for such an extended period of time that he loses touch, and (b) if you are gone long enough everybody forgets about you.
So stay safe Amanda and sue the hell out of them, for anything and everything


  1. "Disobeying his command"
    What? He's her Daddy?

  2. "Do you speak English? You need to answer my questions or I can arrest you for disobeying an officer."

    What a joke. These guys need to get a job.

  3. Better to give them the minimal info they want. No sense in risking your life when interacting with gov't parasites. Live to fight another day when you have a better advantage.

  4. I admire that lady's courage in Georgia ,she would have been seized,transported to the prison complex,strapped to a gurney,put into a headlock, and then have blood forcefully taken from a vein.(by a minimum-wage government trained nurse "assistant".)
    And to be on the safe side, there will ALWAYS be a baggy of drugs found in her automobile(.wink wink)
    In Amerika, a citizen is guilty until he or she spends thousands of dollars to prove otherwise, and then it is only a matter of a coin toss,
    With the judge tossing the coin and only the judge seeing how it lands.

  5. I doubt that Amanda will sue them for monetary damages, I think that she's far too principled for that. She would easily see that her suing them for monetary damages only hurts the taxpayers who've had their money taken from them by thugs. It doesn't hurt the police, it only hurts the taxpayers.

    1. Your theory only holds if you assume that government can take any amount of revenues they want without outrage at some point from the public. If libertarians take government money, it is less money spent on wars, police militarization, etc. Amanda needs to be a libertarian bitch in this situation:

    2. Exactly- if I could get a billion dollars from the UsGov, I would take it.

      Yes, it's blood money, but better it is MY hands than the State.

    3. RE "It doesn't hurt the police, it only hurts the taxpayers."

      Your theory doesn't hold if the activist is able to transform the money into greater resistance against the police (or other tyranny) than would the average of the person(s) to whom the money would have ended up with otherwise.

      Everyone I have heard of that was willing to bring suit against The Man is far above the average when it comes to resistance.

    4. RE "It doesn't hurt the police, it only hurts the taxpayers."

      Your theory doesn't hold if the activist is able to transform the money into greater resistance against the police (or other tyranny) than would the average of the person(s) to whom the money would have ended up with otherwise.

      Everyone I have heard of that was willing to bring suit against The Man is far above the average when it comes to resistance.

    5. RE "It doesn't hurt the police, it only hurts the taxpayers."

      Your theory doesn't hold unless Amanda would use the money to resist tyranny WITH LESS FORCE* than the average of the person(s) to whom the money would have ended up with.

      From what I have seen, most willing to file actions against the State
      are well above the average in resisting tyranny.

      FORCE* force used in defense is not jut acceptable, but admirable

  6. YouTube video has been removed by user

  7. Seth Hipple is the man. Check out the work he and his partner (Martin) have done against cops in the area.
