Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hillary Clinton's Enemies List

The Hill  reports:
Aides on Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign kept a detailed list of party colleagues who staffers believed had betrayed her during the long and bitter primary battle with President Obama, a new book reveals.

The list included rankings, with those who were considered the most egregious traitors by Clinton loyalists receiving the worst possible score of 7 on a point scale.

Then-Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), who would ultimately succeed Clinton as Secretary of State in the Obama administration, was among those receiving the blackest of black marks, according to the book HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton by The Hill’s Amie Parnes and Politico’s Jonathan Allen.

So too was Kerry’s Senate colleague from Massachusetts, Edward Kennedy, who died in 2009. Also on the political hit-list were Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) as well as Reps. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), Rob Andrews (D-N.J.) and Baron Hill (D-Ind).
HRC is scheduled to be published by Crown on Feb. 11.


  1. While there is no doubt there are all sorts of squabbles and fights between these people, there is no way Hilary Clinton was going to be tapped to be President in 2008, with the economy heading into the toilet and her high handed style of leadership and contrast that with Barry's smooth assured performance. The democrats knew they were going to walk it in 08, what they were worried about was 2012.

  2. If only Hillary could close some bridges.

    Pathetic pond scum, these politicians, all of them.

  3. Who is at the top of Hilary's "friends" list? Jerry Wolfgang.
    So she's got that going for her.

  4. Hillary did get her second interview with Carlyle co-founder David Rubenstein in late 2013:

    He even made her an offer!
