Monday, February 24, 2014

Rand Paul Says the GOP Needs More People with Tattoos

The Kansas City Star reports:
“We need a more diverse party. People with tattoos, and without tattoos. With earrings, and without earrings.” — Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a Republican, speaking in Springfield Saturday night at the Missouri GOP’s Lincoln Days event.
I guess Rand isn't looking to attract my vote (See:  About My Racist Friends, My Homophobic Friends and My Own Prejudices).

Seriously, shouldn't a liberty leaning candidate be attempting to educate people about liberty and gain followers that way, rather than hugging any riffraff walking through the door?


  1. This guy is gradually going off his rocker. :/

  2. Wenzel, he's not a liberty-leaning candidate. You know this.

  3. RW you are slipping.
    You should have posted a pic of Sherie Lash Rhoades under this story.

  4. Stop holding him to libertarianism, he is a conservative. He admits this. As an AnCap myself I simply stopped listening to him. His dad has a much better message and delivery.

    1. we need to quit using "conservative" too.....Nothing conservative about a global empire run on credit.

  5. It would be useful if libertarians would recognize that liberty does not have universal appeal. There are certain people by virtue of their culture are libertarian/minarchist/decentralist. This will predominantly White Southerners. I know most folks here like Ron Paul but it needs to be understood that he could not have won a congressional if he ran out of a district in the Bronx NY, NY or out of East LA. He won in a predominantly White district in a Southern state where the people already had to some degree a culture of liberty. He didn't spend 20 years trying to convince these people that liberty is a good thing. They already agreed with him and that why they elected him. It is foolish for anyone to be believe that a sizable number or blacks, Latinos, and Asians can be converted to libertarianism when paternalistic big government is a part of their history and culture. People may not like to hear it but facts are facts.

    1. Funny considering many of those white southerns you speak of are military jock sniffers, police badge lickers, drug war cheerleaders, military industrial complex lackies, support theft as long as it's directed to their interests, statism in the name of some book of fairy tails and foreign interventionists to name a few. But hey I love when anonymous paleocon/Buchanite trolls come in and claim that liberty is race specific. Didn't a white guy invent communism and it's spread across the world was conducted by a white nation? Racial collectivists (or any collectivists)are funny

    2. Not that I disagree with you on the current state of most Southerners, but the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence were not written by people from Zimbabwe. Once again, Ron Paul won his congressional seat in a predominantly White and Southern district. Hunting for votes in NYC, LA, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, etc is a waste of time.

    3. For the life of me i'm trying to find a point in your post but i couldn't find it.

      Unless it is "Just surrender to the Borg, you liberty loving clowns".

  6. First it was felons, now it is pierced and tattooed types.
    Is he trying to turn the GOP into a motorcycle gang?

    1. It's already a gang. Tattoos and motorcycles would make them way cooler, though. Personally, I'm hesitant to associate with anyone who doesn't have a tattoo. Sure as hell not gonna vote for anyone who doesn't have at least a half-sleeve. I was gonna vote for Ron Paul last time but, alas, no tattoos = no vote. If someone runs for office with a face tattoo, I'll donate my house and even campaign for them.

    2. Tattood people tend to be commies.

      Just look at the Suicide Girls.

  7. People need liberty, Rand this isn't a hard concept.

  8. Stop holding him to libertarianism, he is a conservative.

    No, all are held to those principles on an ongoing basis, especially those who threaten by erroneous association.

    Though, if your just leaning, you're right to advise a steer-clear

    As an AnCap myself I simply stopped listening to him. His dad has a much better message and delivery.

  9. He needs to get off of this tattoo thing. It's embarrassing. He sounds like a dork.

  10. Rand Paul is not a libertarian, nor is he a conservative.

    He is a politician.

    And an opportunist.

    And a statist.

    Just another unprincipled weathervane. Attempting to take him seriously is a waste of time.

  11. Well, maybe Rand should get his ears pierced and a tattoo in his forehead.
