Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bitcoin Firm CEO Found Dead in Suspected Suicide

Autumn Radtke, a 28-year-old American CEO of bitcoin exchange firm First Meta, was found dead in her Singapore apartment on Feb. 28, according to NyPo.

Local media are calling it a suicide, but Singapore officials are waiting for toxicology test results to determine a cause of death.

Radtke formerly worked with Apple and other Silicon Valley tech firms on developing digital payment systems.


  1. Sounds like BitCoin hit another coming of age milestone with one of its players joining the Dead Bankers Club.

  2. Many are going to follow her lead.

    1. Couldn't you too?

    2. I'm starting to take a shiny to JW. This is a good, funny comment. He's had a few very good ones lately. As long as he doesn't talk Econ, JW's alright.

  3. I haven't been keeping up on Bitcoin because I don't understand it. Help me understand: Why would the Bitcoin bankers kill themselves?

    Is it because they were once rich and now are going to be poor?
    Or because they lost a lot of OTHER people's money and they feel guilty?
    Or because they committed crimes or fraud and don't want to get caught?
    Or all of the above?

    1. i believe that teh federal reserves is killing them because Bitcoins are a threat to the Fiat currencies around the world

  4. Not to worry she is only "virtually" dead...

    [Probably knew too much and became a liability.]

  5. sounds to me she was poisoned by the US Federal Reserve Goon Squad.
