Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Is Lew Rockwell Influencing the Thought of Billionaires?

Lew Rockwell's important new book Fascism vs. Capitalism correctly advances the argument that many of the economic policies now being adopted by the U.S. government are similar to the policies that were adopted by Hitler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy.

Thus, it is quite interesting that two billionaires, Tom Perkins and  Ken Langone, have recently called out USG policies against the rich as being Nazi like.  To be sure, the arguments launched  by Perkins and Langone are crude and lack the deep understanding that Rockwell displays in his analysis, but still the direction the argument is taking is encouraging.

Indeed, it is so encouraging that fascist-type economic policy supporter Paul Krugman has deemed it necessary to use his blog space to attack the notion:
Here comes another billionaire who thinks that anyone who talks about income inequality is a Nazi; this time it’s Ken Langone, co-founder of Home Depot. I don’t have anything useful to say about this, other than the observation that there must be a lot of these guys. I mean, there aren’t that many billionaires, so that coming up with multiple examples of the genus who not only believe that progressives are just like Hitler but are willing to say so in public must indicate that a substantial proportion of our billionaires share this belief, but more privately.
Good point by Krugie. I wonder just  how many billionaires Lew is influencing.


  1. Probably more than we will ever know. Julian Assange did an interview just before he was exiled and stated he was unable to get American business leaders on his show to discuss the "goings on" with the current crop of politicos out of fear of retribution. Some of these folks have a lot to lose by going public.

  2. Krugman is a serial liar and just a propagandist for the Idiot Left. It's impossible to take that cockroach seriously.

  3. I hope so. Can you imagine the damage Lew & Co could do with a $50M endowment?

    Give a $50M endowment and the government would shut them down as treasonous agitators and enemies of the state!

    That would expose the evil, fascist, dangerous nature of our government for ALL to see.

    "Your Papers, or Else!"

    1. " hope so. Can you imagine the damage Lew & Co could do with a $50M endowment?"

      It would be nice but I'm not holding my breath.

      "That would expose the evil, fascist, dangerous nature of our government for ALL to see. "

      Not really. All the idiot masses would say, whew! We got rid of those racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynist, neoconfederate, slave loving libertarians at last!

  4. FYI, Ken Langone want to give Snowden the keys to the city and be grateful for his courage.
