Sunday, March 9, 2014

OMG Rand Paul Warns Putin

John McCain, Jennifer Rubin and Bill Kristol are going to like this. Rand is becoming more of a neocon with every passing day. The Daily Caller reports:
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul warned Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday over the occupation of southern Ukraine, with the libertarian-leaning Republican claiming that “if he’s going to act like a rogue nation, he will be isolated.”

Paul spoke to Fox News’ Greta van Susteren at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), where he delivered a speech on Friday. “What will you do about Putin and Ukraine?” the reporter asked the prospective 2016 presidential candidate.

Often criticized by right-wing hawks for his push to limit American involvement overseas Paul’s response indicated a willingness to articulate clear consequences to aggression without resorting to military confrontation. “We have to tell him that his behavior is unacceptable. He needs to be isolated,” the senator said. “And if he’s going to act like a rogue nation, he will be isolated.

The video is here. See for yourself, he is talking the full neocon playbook on Ukraine.

(ht Felix Bronstein)


  1. This should be the theme song of this blog. Lots of OMG things happening in this world.

    No, I'm not being facetious. I love this blog! Keep on exposing Rand Paul and other faux libertarians!

  2. I can see Putin addressing his nation: "The honorable Senator from Kentucky, USA, Mr Rand Paul, has determined we need a timeout. For the next two weeks, I am putting Russia in timeout."

  3. He probably has read Hoppe, Rothbard, Hume, and La Boetie, and agree with them that the masses don't think for themselves. The masses are dullards, dumbs, and fools that fall into submission easily.

  4. Robert Wenzel has slyly insinuated that Rand Paul was being handled by someone who at their core was determined to slowly release "Pretzel Boy" from his closeted abode and go full bore neocon when the time arose. Well the situation in the Ukraine has revealed what many of us has long suspected, but Rand Paul's dullard followers refused to believe could ever be true, he is a red blooded neocon toady.

    I hope the "Red State" fascists blame their neocon leaders when gasoline hits $15.00 a gallon and they can't move their pickup truck from where they last kissed it goodnight! No, the Red State fascists will blame it on Vladimir Putin because he is a foreigner, and conservatives are incapable of blaming themselves when their neocon dreams turn into a hideous nightmare of their own creation. God knows these idiot conservatives have proven that they have been propagandized to the point that what they desire most is a world sheathed in blood.

    Rand Paul is turning out to be a true idiot savant, whose one true gift is that he is a master in the ways of unfathomable redneck logic. He simply can not connect the fact that war inevitably leads to the destruction of our rights as codified in the Bill of Rights, or he refuses to clue his dead end followers into that cold hard fact. I chose to believe the more damning of these two choices.

    Here is another cold hard fact, Ron Paul will never admonition his son for becoming a warmongering neocon. I hear cricket from Doctor Paul, and crickets will be all we ever hear from the "Good Doctor" concerning his flesh and blood, who has done nothing but conflate the message of his father with the fascist doxology of the Republican Party. The Republican Tea Party faithful are buying the Frankenstein monster that is the excarnated bones of Doctor Paul's philosophy fleshed out with the fascist muscle of "Red State" fascism. I hope your happy Doctor Paul!

  5. sure, a "neocon" that votes against foreign aid to the Ukraine. Right.

    1. Sure, a "constitutionalist" that wants the war on drugs to continue. Right.
      Sure, a "small government" conservative that wants to continue aid to Israel. Right.
      Sure, a "libertarian" that wants to impose sanctions on Iran and tell Russia what to do. Right.
      Sure, a "non-imperialist" that want to emulate George H. W. Bush's foreign policy. Right.

    2. Tony.....isn't it amazing how Rand's defenders are beginning to excuse more and more of his statist actions? "Well, he may not be PURE but...." Yeah, it ALWAYS starts that way. Before you know it, he's not libertarian or small government AT ALL.

      But, like I always say, stupid is as stupid does.

  6. The Founding Fathers advocated economic sanctions rather than war. Washington, Jefferson, and Madison advocated sanctions. If the people here think they are smarter than our Founders, I am sorry. You're not.

    1. Yes, people who owned slaves were very smart, weren't they, anonymous?
      Grow up.
      America has no BUSINESS sticking its nose in Russia and Ukraine's affairs. Period. Even if Jesus Christ himself advocated economic sanctions.

  7. Duh, Washington advised staying out of foreign entanglements. Last I looked, the Ukraine crisis has nothing to do with the US. Further, it should be pointed out that John McCain, Bill Kristol and Dick Cheney are for sanctions against Russia.

  8. I know, this was nauseating. All the Peter King's of the world have to do is call Rand softer than Obama on any war issue, and the pressure seems too much for Paul Inc to bear. King, John McCain, even Mitt Romney will never support Rand Paul. Sen paul lost so much support to be a team player and endorse Romney, and Romney wouldnt even put Rand's name forward in a discussion about 2016 candidates for the GOP nomination!
