Friday, March 7, 2014

Rand Paul Speaks at CPAC

Wearing blue jeans, a blue blazer, a blue shirt and a red tie, the Mitch McConnell-endorser, pro-unemployment extension Senator pretty much stayed to generalities and called for a fight for freedom.


  1. Does he have any ink work yet ?

    Since he will have the same neo-commy views(only slightly repackaged) as all the other D's & R's in 2016 he needs something to set himself apart.

  2. He isn't pro- unemployment extension. He was the MOST (by far) outspoken person against extending unemployment benefits. He is the face of unemployment benefits opposition. He wrote a great Op-ed in USA Today explaining why long term unemployment benefits shouldn't be extended.

    If you are going to criticize Rand Paul, at least try to get the facts right. Amazing what a troll you are Robert. You are worse than Jennifer Rubin when you nitpick this stuff.

    1. Bob, he said he supported extending them as long as funds were diverted from somewhere else and that something was done in exchange for it to help the economy like something like his economic zone idea or lowering taxes etc. I would take the deal too, it's a net win.

    2. Robert Wenzel is not the troll in this argument, that would be you Mark. Rand is lusting after a fight with Russia over the freedom of the people of the Crimean province of the Ukraine. Rand Paul has been warping the truth to fit the desires of his neocon masters and is completely unfamiliar with anything close to reality when speaking in public on any matter of foreign policy. Rand is in love with democracy which is really mob rule, and he has a serious problem with the idea of a republic as a proper form of red state militarist expression.

      The junior senator from Kentucky is quickly gaining renown for his uniquely twisted version of pretzel logic. Which leads me to suggest we give Rand a nick name fitting a closeted neocon toady, "Pretzel Paul".

      P.S. Rand is frequently photographed with his mouth open in a manner highly suggestive of Lester Maddox and George Wallace, and I do not think this is an accident. The Karl Rove taught George W. Bush how to walk like John Wayne in 1999, and he is now teaching Pretzel Paul how to speak in the manner of old southern politicians back in 1968. I swear we will soon be hearing phrases like, "My Country Right or Wrong", and "America Love It or Leave It" roll off his warmongering tongue.

    3. Thou shouldn't compare Rand with real men like Lester Maddox.
      and Tasteless.

  3. If this clown gets the nomination, the electoral map will be as blue as his shirt..

    The Fourth Amendment is equally as important as the Second Amendment? The 4th is far more important than the 2nd. The country went 220 years without the 2nd limiting state and local govt.

    Here's the speech. Quite comical. He's hysterical.

    We Must Defend the Rights of All (except pregnant women)

    1. you wish, Jerry. 4 words clown car presidential election

    2. Pregnant women "don't have rights' because they shouldn't be allowed to kill their unborn babies? Your logic is laughable JW.

  4. The anarchists are jealous of Rand Paul.
