Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Truth about Sweatshops

Ben Powell is out with a new book, Out of Poverty: Sweatshops in the Global Economy, below is a great lecture on sweatshops and why people actually take such jobs. The entire hour long presentation is worth listening to but, if you are short on time, listen to at least the first 9 minutes.


  1. Horray for Sweatshops! Let's get rid of those child labor laws that are creating such high unemployment for 9 year old children. Child labor laws are slavery (which is not really that bad since you could sing songs and eat gruel).

    1. Re: Jerry Wolfgang,
      -- Horray [sic] for Sweatshops! Let's get rid of those child labor laws that are creating such high unemployment for 9 year old children. --

      What do sweatshops have to do with child labor laws? But besides that, why not getting rid of the restriction on 15-year-old men and women getting a job to learn skills for their future? Why do you think those "child" labor laws exist in the first place, if not to limit the supply of labor to favor trade unions?

      -- Child labor laws are slavery --

      They're restrictions on labor, but not "slavery". I don't even know why you insist on embarrassing yourself by showing your lack of knowledge of even the most basic of semantics.

    2. I was wondering when the troll was going to comment on this.


    3. Better to steal than to work, eh troll?

  2. I had a job when I was 9 years old: I erected a table on the street in between the 9th and 10th hole of a golf course. I did alright.

    I would need a permit for that now:

  3. Yep, Jerry. It would be better for those children to starve.

    Try that sometimes, asshole.

    1. Yes, starvation is better than allowing them to work, since it gives more reason to create food stamps and welfare.

      My family wasn't poor. But I had a job by 14- one I preferred to working on the farm! I busted ass everyday after school, AND did my homework.

  4. "Sweatshop" is a word used by little Liberal parasites to justify their own useless laziness and demands that their political pirates steal from everybody for them.

    1. Yup. Under the guise of "humanitarianism". Don't listen to those big bad mean old libertarians who want to see children in agonizing pain. We're good lovely progressives who care.

      No thinking, no logic, no reasoning powers with these "progressives".

  5. Sweatshop? Working on a subsistence farm isn't a sweatshop?
    Democrats are just stupid parasitic brats.
