Sunday, April 27, 2014

Murray Rothbard on Sports, Sports Writers and Hate Thought

Murray Rothbard wrote:
Of all areas of life, sports should be the arena leased touched by politics. For the glory of being a sports fan is precisely that we are engaging in fun and play, that we are permitted to be "irrational"; that is, to be Yankee or Mets fans, to love our team and to hate the enemy, without having to ground these passions in systematic, moral or metaphysical theory. So it is particularity obnoxious when the gaggle of left Puritans invades and takes over the field of sports. Which they have done, of course, with a vengeance.

The Hate Thought squad has run rampant in sports for years. Veteran and respected sports figures, such as Al Campaneris and Jimmy the Greek, have seen their careers destroyed because they gave one politically improper answer to an interviewer's question. No one dares even explore whether or not the answers were correct; their very expression is a hate-thought-crime; unlike other, seemingly graver, crimes, from their punishment there is no reprieve.

I like to think that sports writers are above politics' that sports and only sports fill their minds. But now, they too have succumbed, and are, in fact, viciously leftist whenever politics is deemed relevant to sports.

-from The Irrepressible Rothbard : The Rothbard-Rockwell Report Essays of Murray N. Rothbard

1 comment:

  1. You're making a point Murray but I think it's not just the sport writers.Politics is creeping into the writing industry latently. However I have this for all writers out there; don’t hang around with people who are negative and who are not supportive of your writing. Make friends with writers so that you have a community. Hopefully, your community of writer friends will be good and they’ll give you good feedback and good criticism on your writing but really the best way to be a writer is to be a writer.

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