Wednesday, April 16, 2014

NYC's Socialist Mayor Sure Doesn't Like to Pay Taxes

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has released his tax returns for 2013. According to WSJ, de Blasio earned $165,000 as public advocate last year and brought in an additional $52,000 in rent on a second home he owns in Park Slopes. de Blasio’s effective tax rate was, get this, 8.3%.


  1. What about payroll taxes? The article doesn't give the amounts he paid for what.

    Coming from War State Journal, I must assume this is typical neocon garbage, like their claims that half of people don't pay taxes.

    Don't turn on your blinders just because they're picking on this pinko.

    Many people pay an "effective" individual federal rate in the single digits, even with six figure incomes, but EVERYONE loses another 20% or so between social security, Medicare, unemployment, workman's comp, and no telling what else your particular state may steal from you.

    1. Payroll taxes don't run the government. They are nothing but a lousy ponzi/transfer payment scheme based on a pay today, benefit tomorrow scheme. They are taxes that most stand a good chance of getting back and then some (medicare). Income taxes are what pay the bills including the welfare schemes (corporate and personal), warmongering and our overlords generous salaries, healthcare and pensions. And like it or not, the high income earners pay most of the bills at all levels of government. Thank God for them since your average middle class guy could never afford the cost of their government, local, State or Federal. And God forbid should these fraudsters and morons actually make us all more equal income wise since they will soon discover their just isn't enough wealth to confiscate anymore to pay the bills.

  2. LOL! Yup. A socialist wants socialism for everyone except him or herself. Hypocrites to the end.

  3. Tisk, tisk. Not doing his "fair" share.

  4. As a public "servant" and/or "advocate", de Blasio's wealth should be tax-free.
    Everything he does is for us.

    (Jerry WolfBait pre-emption).

    1. That must be why JW hasn't commented yet. You took the words right out of his mouth.

    2. +1

      He should get more EIC because of it too.....when a guy dedicates 100% to advocating for the public he should really have a negative effective tax rate as the cherry on top.

  5. I live in a hard core Democrat controlled county and the one thing you learn is that the easiest way to kill their desire to have the Government provide endless services to them, is to propose taxation across the board to pay for what ever it is they desire. A few of my politically active friends go to the meetings and when the commission asks for comments on some new thing they are thinking about spending money on, they ardently demand that the commission either increase property taxes or put a sales tax increase to vote to pay for it. The real irony is that people there supporting the measure start booing at the idea. Usually, that ends it there and the new spending discussion is put off to another day. LOL They're all for government services so long as they're not the ones being asked to pay for them. See, unlike their neighbor who they are ok with using the state to steal from, they need all their money.

  6. Socialism means never having to say "I'm congruent"

  7. State/Local Income Taxes would reduce Federal Tax.
