Friday, May 9, 2014

Justin Raimondo Smokes Out Absurd Racism Charges Made By Cathy Reisenwitz

It started with these tweets by Reisenwitz:

Raimondo reswponded with a barrage of tweets, including these:

And so Reisenwitz makes charges of racism against Hoppe, Block, Ron Paul, Rockwell and the late Murray Rothbard. Her proof: She directs Raimondo to the Ludwig von Mises message boards, which weren't up when Rothbard was alive. And I have never seen Hoppe, Block, Ron Paul or Rockwell ever post on the LvMi message boards. Reisenwitz logic. She has done it before:

A "Humanitarian" Libertarian Considers the Hyper-Inflations of the Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe "Experiments"

Cathy Reisenwitz Takes On Money Laundering Theory


  1. -- And so Reisenwitz makes charges of racism against Hoppe, Block, Ron Paul, Rockwell and the late Murray Rothbard. Her proof: She directs Raimondo to the Ludwig von Mises message boards, which weren't up when Rothbard was alive. --

    Not only that. Has she perused the proggie message boards and the truly disgusting things they say about women and minorities that refuse to march to the beat of the Progressives?

    And when has Block, or Rockwell or Hoppe ever spew "racist" quotes?

  2. JT out of BarrowMay 9, 2014 at 7:30 PM

    Cathy Reisenwitz is an Editor at Young Voices and a D.C.BASED WRITER and political commentator.
    Pay no attention.

  3. Lying bitch. Do these idiots EVER have anything other than charges of racism or sexism? Brain dead zombies galore.

    1. Read the handbook and you'll understand. its not about being truthful or honest for them, its about getting to your ends at any cost necessary. Its about exploiting the ignorant.

    2. Yeah I know. What I'm saying is that they need a new charge. The racism and sexism cards are REAL OLD.

  4. hasn't had a community forum for years now.

    Reisenwitz was caught in a lie and used a second lie to try to cover up the first.

    She makes an accusation and then says "prove to me that I am lying".

    These liberal-tarians really disgust me.

  5. Reisenwitz = non libertarian.

    Lets not play with words. If you reject the non aggression principle then you are not a libertarian.

  6. Cathy Young called her out too and pretty well:

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz 5h

    @JulieBorowski @CathyYoung63 @petridishes The myths about feminism she seems to believe and parrot are problematic.

    Cathy Young ‏@CathyYoung63 5h

    @CathyReisenwitz @JulieBorowski @petridishes Except that feminism repeatedly validates those myths (e.g. "we must teach men not to rape")

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz 5h

    .@CathyYoung63 @JulieBorowski @petridishes libertarians validate our myths. It's me saying, "I'm not a libertarian. I love black people."

    Cathy Young ‏@CathyYoung63 5h

    @CathyReisenwitz @JulieBorowski @petridishes Are there libertarian publications that routinely bash blacks the way (eg) Jezebel bashes men?

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz

    @CathyYoung63 @JulieBorowski @petridishes Surely you jest. Yes. Yes there are.

    12:01 PM - 9 May 2014

    Cathy Young ‏@CathyYoung63 5h

    @CathyReisenwitz @JulieBorowski @petridishes Where?

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz 5h

    @CathyYoung63 @JulieBorowski @petridishes Google is your friend.

    Free and Fit ‏@FreerandFitter 5h

    @cathyreisenwitz @cathyyoung63 @julieborowski @petridishes who what where? And why hasn't Salon written 500 articles about them?

    JVP ‏@haq4good 5h

    @CathyReisenwitz @CathyYoung63 @JulieBorowski @petridishes Maybe she thinks about that ancient Ron Paul stuff?

    Naseer Ahmad ‏@manfromatlan 5h

    @haq4good @CathyReisenwitz @CathyYoung63 @JulieBorowski @petridishes When the answer is non existent, they tell you to google it, lol

    Phillips Pasha ‏@PhillipsPasha 5h

    @CathyReisenwitz @CathyYoung63 @JulieBorowski @petridishes That's google's new slogan

    Cathy Young ‏@CathyYoung63 5h

    @haq4good @CathyReisenwitz @JulieBorowski @petridishes which was just about universally condemned among libertarians....

    Cathy Young ‏@CathyYoung63 5h

    @manfromatlan @haq4good @CathyReisenwitz @JulieBorowski @petridishes sorry, deadlines call :-) continue without me plz

    JVP ‏@haq4good 5h

    @manfromatlan @CathyReisenwitz @CathyYoung63 @JulieBorowski @petridishes Yes, friendly google tells me that the allegation is bunk

    1. Yeah she's a peach. Hoppe, Block, Rockwell are "hardly mainstream libertarians."

      She doesn't deny the racist allegations, just defends the beltarians against Cancerous Cathy's dubious claim.

    2. Serves anyone who keeps trying to move left to please the left. The trick is to keep
      moving AWAY from whatever they tell you to do. Just do the opposite.

      They want you to grovel. Just ignore them. The majority of the high information population in this country and abroad, most traditional faiths, and most of recorded history, plus the scientific evidence, are mostly against them.

      That's why they have to control. If they didn't, they would be laughed off the planet

      That's why they all hang together in DC. They need a govt hand out, or a think-tank hand out and they need to keep giving each other applause. It's all about money and career. Take that away and their activism would be over. It's mostly about middle-class moral preening.

    3. Hoppe and Rockwell and block are not mainstream? Please! Lew alone has done more to make libertarians mainstream than everyone at Cato or reason combined.

  7. Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz 2h

    If I could tell my younger self one thing, it would be to auction off your virginity. $800k y'all.

    Justin surely has better things to do than take this female seriously. I mean, I don't see Hoppe, Block, or Rockwell discussing the monetary worth of their penises and testicles to get cheap attention.
    It's beneath this site to talk to this vulgar person or give her opinions credibility.

    And if Roderick Long and Tucker and the rest are hanging out with her, I vote to ignore too.. They can't be too smart.

    1. She couldn't get $800k in monopoly money.

      Love the white knighting Long is doing on twitter for her, as well. Comical

    2. White knights and manginas (weak men) are known for that type of pathetic behavior. Doesn't surprise me they've moved left.

    3. She couldn't get $800, let alone 800k. Her thinking that she could get 800k for sex is even funnier than the racism charges. She is incredibly annoying and obnoxious, not physically attractive, and clearly not intelligent. So who is going to pay her close to a million dollars for sex?!?!?!

      She is a great example of the mental health issues that dominate delusional feminists. She needs to be in a nut house, not on the Internet blogging away.

  8. She demonstrates a complete lack of reason, and is witless to boot. . .I'm sorry, was that insensitive? Ship me off to Commandant Cathy's re-education camp.

  9. She is proof that IQ matters, even if she dismisses such claims as "racism." Clearly, Cathy the Clown has a double digit IQ.

    Raimondo always embarrasses her in exchanges, yet she continues to post to him. If she were half as smart as she thinks she is, she would never get into exchanges with Justin. It always end up hilarious for us, but not so good for her. She is even dumber than I had initially thought!

    So she thinks Ron Paul, lew Rockwell, Hoppe, and block are all racist?!?!? Let's ask little tucker if he agrees with this view. Best of all, when asked for proof she says message board comments are proof?

  10. LvMi message boards a hive of racists??
    Give me a break!
    Those are maybe the most erudite and civil threads in the 'Verse.
    What a Troll!!

  11. Cathy R advocating for "rimming" (licking anus) on Twitter.
    Says its beautiful.

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz 7h
    Skeptical. RT @JustinLehmiller: Rimming is a fairly common sexual activity practiced by both men and women …

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz 7h@RonAO01 And so beautiful all!

    Cathy R extols prostitution:

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz May 8

    @Mircea_Popescu @jwcglaser @repjustinamash I immediately regret that analogy. Whores are awesome

    Cathy R. thinks men are over-represented in libertarianism and racist.

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz May 6

    .@JulieBorowski @Tomcat1066 It's almost like men are already overrepresented in the liberty movement.
    View conversation


    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz May 6

    @KevinWGlass @LucyStag Definitely. Which is, to me, a huge part of the problem. Too much "I'm not a racist," masking racism.

    Quotes Salon to demand that all of America needs to apologize for white guy privilege

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz May 6

    “I’ll never apologize for my white privilege” guy is basically most of white America … via @Salon

    Tweeting Tucker
    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz May 5

    Love this by @jeffreyatucker: The Peer-to-Peer Economy: Death Blow to the State … via @Libertydotme


    Cathy R talking about blowjobs

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz Apr 28

    @enbrown Doesn't this count blowjobs too tho?


    Supports lefty economics:

    Cathy Reisenwitz ‏@CathyReisenwitz Apr 18

    I Agree with Barbara Ehrenreich, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty: …


  12. Speaking of attacks on Rockwell and libertarians, I think you might enjoy this gem from the "Oracle of Reason" Mike Renzulli

  13. My particular favorite-"Prove to me I'm a liar"

    Meaning, prove to me Block, Rothbard and Paul are not racists. How can she possibly consider herself a Libertarian and thus objective when she's calling upon Raimonda to prove a negative?

    1. She's stupid, disingenuous, & lazy. It's just that simple.

      I have no idea why Raimondo even lowers himself by responding to her.

      I feel like I'm watching a teenage girl yammer on endlessly by even reading any of her "deep thoughts".

  14. "Free-market capitalism is a marvelous antidote for racism. In a free market, employers who refuse to hire productive black workers are hurting their own profits and the competitive position of their own company. It is only when the state steps in that the government can socialize the costs of racism and establish an apartheid system."
    -Murray N. Rothbard

    In her defense, we all know how much Rothbard, Hoppe, Rockwell, and Paul HATE free markets... #derp

  15. I believe this political strategy is called "playing the race card", a staple of American politics.

    For whatever reason, Americans are especially susceptible to this gambit. They never have the time or inclination to actually examine the facts.

    1. "For whatever reason, Americans are especially susceptible to this gambit."

      It's the history of the country, including slavery, that makes the stupid people here feel like they have to feel 'sorry' for things that happened in history that they had no part in.

    2. "For whatever reason, Americans are especially susceptible to this gambit. "

      That's because most of them are stupid. They're too cowardly to think for themselves. Instead they let the Idiot Left do it for them.

  16. What an ignorant twat. The Koch Bros must really hate libertarians to employ this ignorant See You Next Tuesday in a professional position.

  17. LOL! Brilliant. This woman is an endless source of amusement. She is so obtuse and so disconnected from reality it would be really amusing to do a skit about this woman. Or better, she rivals Jan Psaki except that Ms. Psaki has a larger platform to ramble from!

    1. She reminds me a lot of Lena Dunham. Both are very dim witted and get owned on the Internet all the time bc of their stupid comments, yet both just continue on bc in their deluded minds they are intellectual giants instead of drama queen teenage girls who rely on moronic feminists and effeminate beta males to give them attention and support.

    2. Couldn't have said it better myself Anon 1:32.

      Between those silly girls (phoney libertarians), the crazed warmongering neocons and the Idiot Left it's no it seems like we're surrounded by morons. Stupid is as stupid does.

  18. @Interesting that she attacks "purity culture" and also the white male domination of the liberty movement (her words), while having a profile on xoJane (connected to SAY media).

    xoJane is almost exclusively female (says it has only "token" males) and is devoted to woman's "unabashed" viewpoints (willing to be offensive to the others in a woman's life).

    In other words, while trying to demonize traditionalist viewpoints for not being inclusive, Cathy is hanging out on a woman-first, exclusively female chauvinist site.

    Personally, I don't care if she does.

    But then traditionalists and males need sites where they can hang out too. So that EVEN if Block etc are racists (which she hasn't proved at all), she is practicing exactly what she condemns.

    1. Great point. I am sure her response would be something about racism, white privilege, and sexism. Basically the same thing you would hear Rachel maddow or al Sharpton say on msnbc.

  19. I had the opportunity to see her live and in person at a panel presentation. My take was she has very little depth or life experience. So far, her being out there has gotten her a lot of attention (even this post), speaking engagements, maybe compensation, so suppose she believes it works. We live in an age where truth, accuracy do not much matter, she seems comfortable in it. Finally, I've met Ron Paul a few times, and if the man is a racist, then as they used to say I will eat my hat, he is quite the opposite, he is for freedom, equality, opportunity for all. As for Hans Hermann Hoppe he makes too much sense, so of course he will be attacked by progressive-collectivist extremists.

  20. The pressure got to her. She released an apology just now:

    I doubt she'll stop her bullshit though. Probably just wants to keep the wolves at bay and prevent herself from becoming completely exposed as an idiot and an interloper

  21. @Anon 3.55

    For me, it's not really about some twenty-something kid whose obviously been groomed to play this part.

    I'm more interested in what's behind her.... and what Tucker et. al are upto with BTC, anti-IP, and redefining libertarianism so social conservatism AND minarchism are written out of it... .

    There's a lot of money changing hands somewhere, I figure

    Remember this is how the CIA co-opted the Student Mvt in the sixties, using a feminist, Gloria Steinem, who came out of nowhere to have a very prominent voice. Steinem wasn't some flunky but a very active, productive agent, from what I've read. She even dated Henry Kissinger.

    I think Reisenwitz is in the same mold.

    1. The CIA also funded National Review and William Buckley as a way to get control of the conservative movement and run out all of the anti war crowd.

      Something strange behind the scenes is most certainly taking place that now involves Tucker, Long, and Cathy the Womyn. I saw tucker defending the Koch brothers in a tweet yday, so we know who else this involves. Maybe the Koch brothers are furious at how Mises has exploded while Cato is as irrelevant as ever, so Operation Ditz was launched?

  22. @Dollis

    Yeah. I've said that too, on these blogs.
    I watched closely how the social media sites were all running around boosting him and I figured that's not just one guy doing that. There's more going on there. And sure enough, his political opinions started sounding like the establishment. No use "hating the state" if everything you do enables the "shadow state" and its criminal associates.

  23. Those quotes she's referencing are pretty easy to find. Perhaps the Liberty Movement should just admit its racism and work to solve it?

    Also, fuck you for using misogynistic slurs like "bitch". No wonder your movement drives marginalized peoples away.

    1. Since they are so easy, please post them here. You are doing the exact same thing Cathy did and was now forced into apologizing for after she was unable to provide proof for her libel.

      As far as driving people away, Ron Paul is the guy getting consistently north of 6k people in major universities cheering him and real libertarian ideals on - Cathy and the leftist feminists migr get a few dozen fellow feminists and effeminate males cheering her online in comparison.

      One other question for you: do you believe gender or race is just a social construct, as many feminists do?

    2. That is what I thought, Marx Labor Theory Advocate.

  24. Then find them Julia and explain how they are racist. But before you do that give your definition of racism. Your turn.

  25. @Julia Ribber Pitt

    Please give us some in context racist quotes.

    Also, since when is "bitch" misogynistic? Is "bastard" a misandric slur now?

  26. Julia's comment was a drive by. She's not going to do significant work to prove her point.

  27. Julia (as if you haven't left the thread rather than provide the evidence you say is there), ordinarily I might be sympathetic to your problem with using the word "bitch".

    Not that it's any more misogynist than is calling a guy a bastard or a dick, but anyhow.

    Why I find it hard to take you seriously is this: Cathy accused five people of racism and refused to provide proof of her claims.

    That's an extreme thing to do. When you do such extreme things, you can attract insults—whether you're male or female.

    1. That is evidently the new playbook she is following from Cathy "msnbc" Reisenwitz - right out of al sharpton's playbook. Scream "racism" over and over, then run and hide when proof is asked.

      This Julia character actually believes in the Marx theory of labor value which was long ago discredited. I think it speaks volumes that this is who is defending Cathy "msnbc" Reisenwitz


    This Julia character not only immediately jumped to pulling the gender card in typical feminist fashion, but this proud womyn also has a blog that is very cozy with socialists and Marxists. What a shocker!

    To put into perspective, Marx inspired governments murdered over 100 million of their own people in the last century - but this feminist and Marxist inspired defender of fellow womyn Cathy is concerned about mean language used by the greatest threat and opponents to Marx. She also has all the proof of consistent bashing of blacks by the main Mises libertarians that cathy claimed since they are so easy to find, but she will not be posting them to help the oppressors of her fellow womyn and working class peoples of all races and genders who the capitalistic imperialists have shackled!


    Cathy talks about diversity this and diversity that, but take a look at the board of Students for Liberty:

    I see one asian female, one black male, and one white female - everyone else is a dreaded and terrible white male! Will Cathy continue to promote and belong to such an obviously racist group?

  30. @Anon 10.140
    Oh you noticed that too? LOL. Every independent black and brown thinker has always been studiously ignored by the anti-racist establishment. They need tools, useful idiots, and fluffy womyn to keep them going.

  31. I bet she's friends with Jonah Goldberg.

  32. I worked with this girl in the past. She's so full of herself and rude to everyone around her.
