Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mastercard Hires Five Bitcoin Lobbyists

The hammer is coming. Perianne Boring writes:
On April 21, 2014 bitcoin got its first lobbyists, however a competitor hired them. DC lobbying firm, Peck Madigan Jones, registered not one, but five of their employees to lobby Congress on “bitcoin” and “virtual currencies.”  The client they are registered for is MasterCard, a transaction competitor to bitcoin.

Two weeks later, members of the House Appropriations Committee announced they have concerns with “virtual currencies like bitcoin” and are awaiting a briefing from the FBI regarding criminals and terrorists using virtual currencies to illegally launder and transfer money.
Read her full report here.

1 comment:

  1. A hammer is useless against water Wenzel. Bitcoin is anti-fragile. If you attack it, it only gets stronger.

    Keep dreaming Robert.
