Thursday, May 1, 2014

Rand Paul Speaks in Senate in Support of Stand with Israel Act of 2014

Rand Paul today took to the Senate floor to ask unanimous consent to call up and pass S. 2265, the Stand with Israel Act of 2014. This legislation halts all U.S. aid to the Palestinian government until it agrees to a ceasefire and recognizes the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state. Rand’s request to pass the bill was blocked.

"I am deeply disappointed and disturbed by the Senate’s inability to stand with me in defense of Israel today. My support will not waiver and I hope the United States Senate will prevail in cutting off American aid to those that refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state," Rand said on the Senate floor..


  1. Sigh....Rand. If you're so concerned with Israel MOVE THERE. Most of us Americans are concerned about America, or what little is left of it.

    1. Mike, you obviously don't know anything about America!!!!!!!!!!! Most of us????????????? How wrong you are. I suppose you feel a vote for Hillary coming on.....take the Benghazi pictures with you to the polls.

  2. I've lived my whole life in the American midwest. If I've ever met a Jew, I never knew it. Meaning I'm kind of naive about the importance of ethnicity to some people. Would "Israel as a Jewish State" be something like "the USA as a white-European state"? If so, how would anybody feel comfortable promoting that?

    1. "If I've ever met a Jew, I never knew it."

      They're just people like anyone else. Like gentiles, more are complete idiots. A few are smart and fewer still are brilliant (Mises and Rothbard come to mind).

  3. All I heard was this "stand with Israel" nonsense while I was listening to a conservative Christian AM radio station on the way to work. They culminated this crap with an interview of Lindsey Graham. This is so against Jesus' teaching it's ridiculous. It's true that Christians are at war, but their kingdom is the Kingdom of God (not Israel or any other earthly kingdom) and their weapons are spiritual (not carnal). I'm so tired of "Christians" on the left and right distorting Jesus' teachings for their own agendas. And if you have the audacity to call them out on it, then they snear and call you a fundamentalist or some such nonsense. I was watching some Westboro Baptist Church videos this past weekend, and although I disagree with their Calvinist nonsense, they have a point when they talk about this nation getting what it has coming to it.

  4. JT out of BarrowMay 1, 2014 at 9:59 PM

    Don't worry, our stolen money will still be shoveled to Palistine AND Israel, whether we stand or sit down.

  5. Israel is the shot clock above the game. Without a doubt it is the most ridiculous monstrosity the human race has ever had to deal with. Responsible for more terrorist activity than all other countries combined, Israel knows no physical borders and respects no neighboring sovereign. There are so influential they can even dip into the 17th Amendment US Senate hegemony.

  6. Sadly, you pretty much have to be pro Israel if you have any aspirations for being elected President. Chances are nil if you are not going to support Israel.
