Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Who Said NYT Doesn't Correct Reporting Errors?

NYT hasn't corrected its distortion of Walter Block's comments on slavery (SEE: Distorting A Champion of Liberty: The Walter Block Controversy), but what is the big deal? When it comes to the important things, they always make corrections. From an NYT story about Rand Paul hanging with Rupert Murdoch:
Correction: May 6, 2014 
An article on Monday about the political significance of Senator Rand Paul’s spending the day at the Kentucky Derby with his guest, Rupert Murdoch, described incorrectly the jacket Mr. Paul wore. It was herringbone, not houndstooth.


  1. I was thinking to myself when I first saw the pic "Gee that looks like a herring bone pattern, not a hounds-tooth pattern".
    I am glad they corrected that error.

  2. I can hardly wait until some enterprising graphic artist with a sense of humor pastes Jesse holding his nose into this picture in place of the suited guy standing behind and between Rand and Rupert.

  3. Yeah, I saw the correction when I read the article. I'm glad to see NYT's fashion editor taking Horowitz to task...

  4. That pretty much sums up the relevance of the paper. I haven't read it in years. I can get slanted news on the web for free.

  5. "Mr. Paul"?

    He may be an ethically challenged, political opportunist (double redundancy), but he did finish medical school and has a practice. That at least is worth the curtesy of referring to him as a doctor,

  6. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

    I will celebrate the day that the NYTimes finally ceases publication. It will come far sooner than most realize- I give it 6 more years before they are totally bankrupt.

  7. Well, to be fair, they got the analogy between Rand Paul and a Derby horse spot on. Nice of Rupert to come all the way to Kentucky to check Rand's teeth.

  8. Oh good night! It is a herringbone and not a houndstooth! Shocking!
