Monday, May 19, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street Is Aiming for $100 Million in Pay

By Stefania Bianchi and Mahmoud Habboush

Jordan Belfort, whose memoir The Wolf of Wall Street was turned into a film by Martin Scorsese, expects to earn more this year than he made at his peak as a stockbroker, allowing him to repay the victims of his fraud.

“I’ll make this year more than I ever made in my best year as a broker,” Belfort told a conference in Dubai today. “My goal is to make north of $100 million so I am paying back everyone this year.”

Belfort, a motivational speaker, will use his earnings from a 45-city speaking tour in the U.S. to repay about $50 million to investors. That was his share of the fine, he said.

Read the rest here.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if it helps that he's paying off the fines in 2014 dollars.
