Friday, June 13, 2014

Because Politics Is Truth

By Chris Rossini

Chris Rossini is author of Set Money Free: What Every American Needs To Know About The Federal Reserve. Follow @chrisrossini on Twitter.


  1. Which of us has the wrong dictionary? Mine may need updating.

  2. Liberty looks like a cheap whore these days.

  3. This can't be real. Can it? These people must be "special" and/or deluded in the extreme. Let's take them one at a time, shall we? Peace: Hillary was for the preemptive (and therefore unjust) war in Iraq, not to mention prolonging the bloodshed in Afghanistan. I could go on with the innumerable military engagements conducted by the general government's military during her tenure in government, but that would take far too long. Liberty: haha! She (along with many others) is responsible for maintaining and increasing the size and scope of the largest and most powerful government the world has ever known. This is a government that spits in the faces of its Founding generation and brutally represses the natural rights of human beings at home and abroad on a daily basis. Values: yes, I'll give them this one. She values power above all other things. Faith: for her acts as senator and at State, she has the blood of thousands of innocent human beings on her hands. She may have faith, but I assure you it isn't in the Holy Trinity. More likely, she has bound her faith and allegiance to the state and therefore, the devil.

  4. Just look at that fine specimen. She has my vote.
