Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Drunk NYU Student Pretends to Be Crony Capitalist with Government Connections

The Smoking Gun reports:
The drunken young man who stars in that viral video your friends have been directing you to this morning is Gerry Shalam, a 20-year-old New York University student whose father does not own half of Manhattan.

Shalam, an Allenhurst, New Jersey native, is a member of NYU’s Class of 2017. His father Lou is a garment industry executive, and his mother Frieda is an event coordinator and member of the Allenhurst Borough zoning and planning board...At one point in the curse-filled video (seen below), Shalam warns the cameraman that his father was in real estate and “owns half of fucking Manhattan.” When asked his name, Shalam responds “Gerry Adjmi,” adding later that “I’m a fucking lawyer.”

Shalam apparently used the phony surname because his stricken friend--who collapses to the pavement at one point--is himself an Adjmi, a wealthy New York real estate family.

FlatironConfrontation from Gothamist on Vimeo.

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