Cover Design by Tom Rossini |
Ron Paul’s Foreword to "Set Money Free" by Chris Rossini:
Monetary policy and the Federal Reserve have always been a focus of my educational and political activities. In fact, it was my desire to have a public platform to speak out against the dangers of our monetary policy that first led me to run for office. Unfortunately, for most of my career my interest in the Federal Reserve was treated as a peculiar eccentricity -- not just by the majority of my congressional colleagues, but also by many of my constituents. To most Americans, monetary policy was a dry, uninteresting subject far removed from their daily concerns.
Meanwhile, the majority of politicians, policy wonks, and academics who did pay attention to the Fed simply parroted the establishment propaganda about how lucky we were to have wise men like Alan Greenspan protecting us from our “irrational exuberance” while maintaining the proper level of economic growth.
Even some libertarians would wonder why I spent so much time on such an “esoteric” issue. Some other libertarians, most notably my friend Milton Friedman, claimed that government-managed currency was somehow compatible with the free market and individual liberty.
But, in the last seven years we have seen an explosion of interest in monetary policy and the Federal Reserve’s responsibility for the boom-bust cycle that plagues our economy. One sign of the progress our ideas have made is that while in 2008 the other candidates rolled their eyes and smirked when I brought up the Fed, in 2012 most of the other candidates joined me in attacking the Fed. One candidate even claimed to have read the great Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises at the beach!
For all the progress we have made, there is still much work to be done. Even many Americans who are skeptical of the Fed do not understand that the problems with the Fed cannot be “fixed” by appointing a new chairman or requiring the Fed to follow some new rules. It is crucial for our side to have materials that explain the basics of the Austrian business cycle and the history of the Federal Reserve so people realize that half-measures and band-aids are insufficient.
That is why I am so excited by Chris Rossini’s Set Money Free. In about 200 pages, Chris not only explains Austrian economics and monetary policy, he provides a history of central banking in America. Chris explains why the Federal Reserve was responsible for the Great Depression, the stagflation of the 1970s, and the creation and collapse of the housing bubble in 2008.
Chris also explains how the Fed is the driving force behind the welfare-warfare state and how the Fed enriches the elites while harming average Americans. Set Money Free shows why Tea Party activists concerned about welfare spending, antiwar activists seeking to drive a stake in the heart of American militarism, Occupy activists looking to reduce income inequality, and all Americans concerned about their children’s economic future should support ending the Fed.
“Set Money Free” is an important work that explains the economic, philosophical, and historical case against the Fed. People looking to spread the ideas of liberty should consider buying multiple copies of this book to hand out to friends, relatives, and co-workers to show them why ending the Fed is key to restoring liberty, peace, and prosperity.
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Paperbacks from Amazon & Kindle version coming soon!
Paperbacks from Amazon & Kindle version coming soon!
Update: Now available on Amazon!
How about an audio version? Let's have it.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting a copy!
ReplyDeleteKeith, I suggest to read it first while waiting for the audio, (if that even comes to be). The directory-like-format is great for reading and going back to the Q & A's that you might want to check back on when a topic comes up about any of the points in the book.
ReplyDeleteCosmo, Cool, Enjoy! Thank you on behalf of my son in law, Chris Rossini.
John Daubert, (producer of the music vids for "Set Money Free". And, Marc Clair and Robert Wenzel's Audio Editor for their interviews). Thank you guys!
It would be a great gift to someone curious about the Federal Reserve and money.