Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How Crazy Is It in San Francisco to Get an Apartment?

Stella-resume required.
With money flowing as a result of mad Federal Reserve money printing  and many, many apartments under rent controls. landlords can be extremely selective and make all kinds of demands. Here's what one landlord demanded, via the San Francisco Chronicle:
Oakland Athletics pitcher Sean Doolittle and girlfriend Eireann Dolan knew it wouldn’t be easy apartment-hunting in the Bay Area for a home they’d need only through the baseball season — maybe even the post season. The added challenge was that it had to be dog-friendly.

In mid-February, they found a spot… sort of. The catch was that the couple was required to write a resume for Stella, their loveable, friendly 5-year-old Rhodesian ridgeback. Nothing too complicated, the landlord assured them. He provided them with a three-page sample resume for dogs and a word of advice. “Think about it a little more in-depth than what you would do for yourself,” Dolan recalled.


 Apparently, Stella’s resume did little to impress management. The couple was denied an apartment. The official reason: their vehicle was five inches taller than the garage stall provided for it. 


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