Monday, March 2, 2015

The Rise of Minorities — and Decline of Whites

A new report, report, “States of Change: The Demographic Evolution of the American Electorate, 1974-2060,” sponsored by three think tanks of differing politics: the  American Enterprise Institute and the  Brookings Institution and the Center for American Progress.

WaPo's Robert Samuelson highlights some of the reports expectations:
1)The rise of minorities — and decline of whites . In 1980, 80 percent of the U.S. population was white. Now, that’s 63 percent; by 2060, it’s projected to be about 44 percent. Meanwhile, Hispanics have gone from 6 percent in 1980 to 17 percent and are projected to reach 29 percent by 2060. Asian Americans (and “others”) are expected to double from 8 percent now to 15 percent by 2060. The proportion of African Americans, now 12 to 13 percent, is estimated to stay stable.

2) A graying America. People age 50 and older now represent one-third of the population, up from one-fourth in 1980. By 2060, their share is forecast to exceed two-fifths. By contrast, those age 18 to 39 are then expected to be about a quarter of the total.

3) Generational shifts. These are inevitable, of course. The World War II generation is mostly gone (it’s 1 percent of the population). And baby boomers, born from 1946 to 1964, no longer dominate. They’re 24 percent of today’s population, slightly behind “millennials,” born from 1981 to 2000, at 27 percent, and slightly ahead of Generation X, born from 1965 to 1980, at 21 percent.

4) The rise of unmarried voters. This is perhaps the most surprising finding. In 1974, 70 percent of eligible voters were married, 30 percent unmarried. Now, the split is 52 percent married, 48 percent not, reflecting fewer and later marriages, more divorces and more widowed elderly.


  1. The rise of "minorities" has been achieved through an intentional anti-White/Euro immigration policy which far too many Libertarians think is just groovy.
    Keep pumping in those million plus non whites year after year after year and yes indeed the percentage of whites will decline.
    Why the authors of this study think it's stunning is beyond me.

    I guess this study was written to give Republicans cover when they vote on amnesty and welfare and such.

    1. "The rise of "minorities" has been achieved through an intentional anti-White/Euro immigration policy which far too many Libertarians think is just groovy."


    2. we have a Muslim in the white house, what more proof do you need......

    3. Brian Caplan LDO; Koch Bros funds Cato, which Open Borders; Lew Rockwell paleo-lib types treat open borders w/ benign neglect, as opposed to outright opposition back in the late 80s and 90s...Ron Paul was rated B- on immigration by NUMBERS USA when he ran for POTUS in 2008 (the best rated (R) in the field) and was rated D- when he ran in 2012.

      It is obvious the Asperger's afflicted members of the libertarian movement are open borders.

      For my money, Mr. Wenzel has much too much common sense to feel this way and after a few drinks would likely agree w/ most of his fellow Americans regarding our inability to enforce our border laws. I also think Mr. Wenzel has argued against illegal immigration on the grounds of it increasing government outlays for welfare, hospital costs, etc.

    4. Proof ?
      Are you saying Libertarians are against open borders ?
      Whether one slants conservative or libertarian, to be against this moronic immigration policy usually earns one a tard suffix.

      On a more positive note it appears Murray Rothbard might have changed his mind on open immigration.

      I began to rethink my views on immigration when, as the Soviet Union collapsed, it became clear that ethnic Russians has been encouraged to flood into Estonia and Latvia in order to destroy the cultures and languages of these people.

    5. Libertarians believe in private property and the NAP, period. Anyone can call himself a libertarian, but unless he espouses the above two axioms he's blowing hot air. In a society of private property, there are no national borders and "immigration" as it is currently understood is a non-issue; if one doesn't want anyone else occupying his property he's free to defend it as he sees fit. Of course, the practical problem is the plethora of welfare enticements from the .gov that draw unproductive immigrants into the area of land called the USA and give politicians a larger audience to whom they can peddle.

    6. Exactly. These topics have become pushed from the national spectrum of acceptable debate, with politician bought off in the process. Look at the weasels at CPAC too frightened to not play the placate game, even though their election was thanks to the population's common sense.

      The ONLY thing that can save the US is to let the system fail and begin again.

    7. Mass immigration of non-whites is generally like viagra for the state. This is a big part of why leftists always push for it.

  2. Libertarians think immigration is "groovy" only when the country is set up under libertarian principles (ie, each person is responsible for himself). If people come here to work and make a better life for themselves and their families who gives a rip what color they are. Its the immigrants that come to suck at the teet of the state that bothers this libertarian and all those I know. You cant open the borders until the state is drastically reduced. A welfare state with open borders is suicidal. Look what's happening in Minnesota with the Somalia immigrants, then read "Camp Of The Saints"

  3. Race is whatever you check on the form, and it has become more popular and lucrative to identify as non-white since 1980. What does the 1/4 black person check? Depends on what the form is for. I know what my 1/4 Hispanic, 3/4 white cousin checked when applying for student grants and it worked out very well for her. And what does a 1/4 black, 1/4 Asian, 1/4 Hispanic, 1/4 white person check? Roll a die with 5 as "other" and 6 as all of the above?

    Genetic inheritance and clustering of traits are real, but "race" as it exists on census forms is an imaginary, aspirational concept, becoming ever more detached from reality. The term "minority" becomes rather silly when none of the "races" command a majority. When will we stop trying to impose a one-dimensional classification on the multidimensional reality?

    1. Timothy,

      Great post!! Hope you dont mind me using the last sentence. Giving credit where its due of course.

    2. Please help yourself! I claim no IP rights. ;) Thanks for the feedback.

  4. imho a large part of the decline in white population is childen of mixed parentage. I have mixed kids and most of their peers are mixed. They can check white on job apps and hispanic on scholarship apps etc etc. Check out an elementary school and you will have a difficult time matching parents and their biracial kids.

    1. this is essential in the world of government handout access.

    2. Quite simply, most Libertarians are not free to state the obvious when it comes to the harsh reality of what Wilson and Kennedy et al have unleashed ince Federalism was consolidated by Lincoln.
      Ron Paul (and Rand) know quite well the catastrophic damage unleashed by the misconstruing of the 14th Amendment as well as the Commerce Clause. No one can touch it without career-ruining punishment by the powers that have taken hold, against the People's will. No one can guess the power and fury behind Cheap Labor's view on and distate for the free market.

  5. Talking about checking boxes for race on forms, we may end up with our fist Native American Indian President should, God forbid, Elizabeth Warren be elected in 2016.

  6. How is "Hispanic" not white? or do they mean not Western European culture?

    1. They're mostly Amerindian/Southern European hybrids. As opposed to exclusive (or near exclusive) European ancestry which is what white people have.

  7. QED.

    No government, no government benefits to give away. no giveaways, no means to entice permanent Progressives to drive us to the Drive to the Bottom.
