Tuesday, March 17, 2015

This is How Things Roll in the Land Where Newly Printed Fed Money Falls from the Sky and There are 100,000 Different Regulations

A San Francisco landlord has raised the rent of tenant Deb Follingstad by nearly 400%.

Her landlord has sent her a notice advising her that her rent is jumping from $2,145 to $8,900 a month.

Follingstad’s residence is a basic two-bedroom.

“The rental situation in San Francisco has been so crazy that you assume something bad could happen, like maybe the building gets sold,” Follingstad, who shares the apartment with her boyfriend, told SFGate. “But I never expected this. When I received the legal notice, I felt sick to my stomach. It’s so outrageous and I never imagined anything like this could be legal.”

Here's the notice she received. Note: the $12,500 PER MONTH  security deposit appears to be a typo, but this is Fog City, so you never know.

What actually is going appears to be a "constructive eviction by rent increase."

According to SF Gate, an increasing number of landlords are using constructive evictions to skirt paying tenants’ moving costs.

According to Rent Jungle, the average rent of a two-bedroom unit in San Francisco is $4,040. Out of curiosity, this weekend, I took a look at a basic two bedroom in an older building that was up for rent in the Nob Hill section of the city, near where Milton Friedman lived. It was going for $5,500.



  1. It's lovely here in northern Idaho, and I pay $575 for a nice 1 bedroom apartment.

  2. I don't understand. The landlord wants to evict the tenant but instead of doing so, raises the rent to a price well above market? To what end? To charge someone else 4.5k a month? Why not just rent the property for the market price?

    1. Rent control. As far as I can tell, the purpose is to evict, getting around other regulations that prevent eviction. In stazi San Francisco, you don't own property apparently.

    2. If you evict a renter in SF you are required to pay them a "relocation" fee. It is a minimum of $4500 and can be up to $20,000.
