By Allan Stone
The balance sheet that Donald Trump used as a prop for his announcement this morning has impressive-looking numbers. But for those of us who deal with numbers for a living — and who have dealt with Trump in the past — his claim of a net worth of $8.7 billion as of last June makes no sense.
Based on my reading of the numbers and my previous experiences with Trump, here’s my bottom line: Trump’s balance sheet is certainly over-inflated and doesn’t seem to be tethered to much of a financial reality.
Here are some of the major reasons I say this:
1. He says that real estate licensing deals, and brand and branded development, are worth a wonderfully precise $3,320,020,000. Where on earth does this valuation come from? It’s not credible without some sort of certification from a serious, impartial third-party.
2. He claims that his New York City commercial and residential properties are worth a total of $2.03 billion. But the liabilities on his balance sheet for those properties total only $332 million. That’s only 16 percent of their claimed value. That’s not how big-time real estate people operate — they typically have a much higher debt level. And what is the $2.03 billion valuation based on?
3. He shows club facilities and related real estate worth valued at more than $2 billion, with only $146.6 million of liabilities. That’s debt of less than 8 percent of their supposed net worth, which seems like way too little debt for their supposed net worth. And what is that net worth based on?
Read the rest here.
Personally I would take Trump over Hillary (or Obama) in a heartbeat.