Sunday, August 30, 2015

The European Migrant Crisis


  1. Mostly young males.
    This is an invasion force.

    Hopefully Euro peoples will start pushing back against it.

    They try in Germany, but out comes the "N' word.

  2. Let them drown. Not intervening to help someone is not a violation of the non-aggression principle. These migrants demand to be taken care of, by not allowing their immigration Europe is justly defending itself.

  3. This tells you WHO is controlling it.

  4. It has always played on my mind how any of these people can seek sustenance from the same people that are responsible for the Deaths and Mutilation [Genocide] of their countryfolk. Why should Iraqis seek refuge in the UK after that sewer sucking scum Blair raped their country. Libyans who are coming to Europe after Cameron and Sarkozy bombed what was once a decent self supporting state. Syrians seeking refuge in the Bolshevik states [EU] after we have gassed there people blaming Assad] and destroyed THE CULTURE that was present in Syria. THIS IS ORGANISED BY THE BOLSHEVIKS in power so that a ROTHSCHILD central Bank can be established in all of these lands...........control.

  5. These are not migrants, they are trespassers. I do not allow anyone to squat (in any sense of the word) on my property. It is my right to remove them by reasonable force, but to remove them. To allow them to drown is not a reasonable response, but returning them consistently from whence they came is.

  6. Why don't they go to Israel? The only democracy in Asia. It is so much closer and they will get to mingle with their circumcised brethren.
