Monday, October 19, 2015

Robert Reich Logic

The former Labor Secretary and current University of California-Berkeley professor, who bought his house at the peak of the real estate bubble, writes:
Even if a $15 an hour minimum wage risks job losses, it is still the right thing to do. 


  1. What the...? Isn't the 15 dollar per hour minimum wage a utilitarian position? Now it's some sort of deontologic one? Welcome to bizarro world.

  2. I can't stand this guy. Ignorant "intellectuals" are so much worse than ignorant regular people.

  3. It is always the right thing for somebody. Usually the politicians and their cronies, Around election time.

  4. Great. So for Reich it is not a matter of sound economic policy but a moral crusade.

    1. He's not the only one....

      "The Conscience of a Liberal"

    2. Exactly. The ironic moral crusade of "Might makes Right".

  5. So guys, even if my policy hurts people, creates a barrier to future employment, disallows students from earning a little extra money on the weekends, creates an system without a first rung on the ladder, keeps poverty stricken young people from learning how to work to better themselves, causes business's to fail, causes harm to the most vulnerable among us, hey, it's the right thing to do! Now, wheres the beer?

  6. It's quite easy being generous with other people's money.

    On a related note: RW, I'd like to buy some Christmas gifts in a few weeks. Can you please send me a check made out to cash? Thanks.

  7. No big deal, the people who become unemployed can just go on welfare! Problem solved!

  8. I wonder if he'd think the same thing if he lost his job? What a moron.
