During an interview with Lew Rockwell, "former" Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone told Lew that Trump is likely to make some comments in the near future about monetary policy that will "shake up the political establishment." (Comment at roughly the 7:43 mark)
Is it going to be how much richer we're all going to be after we spend billions on a huge border wall?
DeleteOh, it is going to be about how much richer we're all going to be once president Trump initiates a trade war with China. We're going to be rolling in the dough!
Yeah, I don't understand Lew's interest in Trump and the Trumpistas, either. I still think Lew is merely trolling but I am concerned.
I'm not a fan of Trump either, but, at least argue his pitfalls rather than perpetuating myth people. This crowd is better than that.
DeleteFirstly warren, the wall would be built by the Mexican government; not ours. Trump is correct when he says he can force this economically. There is no reason Americans should be burdened with the welfare of foreigners (a lot of which are unvented criminals others with communicable diseases ect.) when the Mexican government itself sure in the doesn't allow anyone from their Southern border enter.
Secondly, Mr. Torres, an economic battle with China might be just what America needs. God forbid our country starts producing rather than consuming. I'm not saying Trump would do more than add more tariffs, but forcing the dominance of of the petrol dollar with a heavy handed military is a doomed failed policy.
For crying-out-loud people, the dialed in souls reading this forum know Trump is the fart in the room that nobody wants to admit is there for the fear of incrimination of being the dealer, but at least hit his policies that don't make sense; there are plenty to choose from.
@Jeffrey Breci,
Delete─[T]he wall would be built by the Mexican government; not ours. Trump is correct when he says he can force this economically. ─
As if the government of Mexico was not populated by politicians beholden to Mexican voters...
Besides, the above is your opinion. I don't see how this is supposed to support your admonition against any of us regarding these "perpetual myths" you alluded to. You haven't even taken time to enumerate them.
─There is no reason Americans should be burdened with the welfare of foreigners─
Agreed! Except, what does that have to do with a) foreigners themselves and b) immigrants, at all? Yours would be an indictment on the welfare system itself. The fact that the American welfare system is giving away money to some immigrants (if you believe the statistics by the Heritage Foundation and the Center for Immigration Studies) does not mean Trump is right about immigrant labor or its effects on the economy.
─Secondly, Mr. Torres, an economic battle with China might be just what America needs. ─
Oh, really? What would be your reason to say that? That ordinary folk have been spoiled for years of paying low prices for goods and that it is time someone put an end to that?
─God forbid our country starts producing rather than consuming. ─
How is that changed by a trade war? A trade war will not put people back to work as you allege, for two good reasons:
a) People do not want to do the same things the Chinese are doing right now, and
b) The low-skill labor jobs that YOU think would ostensibly come back could not compensate for the loss of high-skill labor in the export industry.
Mexican Politicians are beholden to Mexican voters? That is the kind of fantastical delusion that should exclude you from any serious debate. In what parallel universe are politicians 'beholden to voters'?
DeleteWhat do you say we attempt a debate on one subject at a time, as to not dilute complicated issues?
Mexico was nothing before NAFTA and now celebrates the 13th largest economy in the world. US corporate conglomerates control NAFTA. With so much on the line, do you not believe that Mexico could be persuaded to build a wall?
Re: Jeffrey Breci,
Delete─Mexican Politicians are beholden to Mexican voters?─
Do you really think they're not, Jeff?
─In what parallel universe are politicians 'beholden to voters'?─
In the universe where politicians wet their index finger and taste the air - that is, everywhere. Why do YOU think not one politician has the backbone to do something about Social Security and Medicare?
─US corporate conglomerates control NAFTA. With so much on the line, do you not believe that Mexico could be persuaded to build a wall?─
My mind does not operate on delusions like yours, Jeff. If conglomerates control, NAFTA, like you say, what makes you think those conglomerates are going to do Trump's bidding if these same conglomerates were the same that persuaded Bush père to sign NAFTA, a powerful US president? I don't think you thought this one very deeply.
Trump is blowing hot air. If he were president he would not persuade the Mexican government to do anything. If he did, it would mean the end of the Mexican government as we know it. If there is ONE thing that is true about Mexico, is our hatred of foreign intervention, especially coming from the hated "yanqui."
Love him or hate him, IMHO Trump is the only possibility, albeit a small one, of avoiding a Hillary presidency.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter what candidate gets elected whether Republican or Democrat, its the powers that be that have always controlled and will continue to control. Money dictates; the more one has the more the powerful. We can squawk all we want about immigration reform, welfare to foreigners, Obama Care, social security, welfare/social programs, and all the costs to sustain these programs; but, all combined do not come close to the debt we incur in sustaining an empire for the Military Industrial Complex controlled by an elitist group of a few families that have major stock holdings in the big banks, insurance companies, and the weapons & oil industries. War is a racket that enriches the few at the American taxpayer expense. The Big Banks and all those that earn on these wars lobby for conflict abroad so to bloat the military budget for profit. With the help of controlled segments of the media they scare the American people into accepting the expense of a military budget that is larger than that of all the countries in the world combined; all to fight the mere boogie men they create themselves.
ReplyDeleteInstead of worrying about the morsels spent on welfare to foreigners, why not focus on corporate welfare that goes into the hundreds of billions. Maybe we should focus on the true source of America's economic woes found in the manipulation of our economic policy by the privately owned Federal Reserve that will bring whatever is left of the middle class down to their knees!!! Has anyone wondered why the press does not focus on these issues? Is anyone aware of the ONE TRILLION Dollars the Pentagon can not account for???? We need to stop the focus on Mexicans/foreigners, the wall, China, ISIS, and everything else the media tries to distract us with and place our focus on those issues they avoid. The powers that be, those behind the scenes, the old money that secretly governs is the true threat to our national security and freedoms. Their power dictates, Trumps billions will not make the difference. The assassination of JFK should be a red flag for all those who can see the forest beyond the trees.