Tuesday, March 29, 2016

BOOM The Consumer Metrics Index of Daily Online Demand Has Exploded

This is not what a recession looks like.

The Consumer Metrics Institute tracks daily online purchases of durable consumer discretionary goods as a more reliable way of tracking economic activity and determining economic turning points.  The statistics are updated daily and are not revised.

(ht David Jensen)

1 comment:

  1. Note that the Fed has essentially whip-sawed consumer demand by raising rates in Dec, creating expectations of higher rates, and then not followed-through that led to a surge of demand starting on March 16 when the FOMC surprised with no rate raise. This demand, if it continues will create a surge in GDP statistics later this year. Ever get the feeling that the Fed wants the Dems to win thereby avoiding Trump's promised audit of the Fed? (Although Yellen says they are holding-back because of China (!) ).

    What kind of purchase interest is tracked?


    The Consumer Leading Indicators track consumer interest in major discretionary purchases. These typically include such items as automobiles, housing, vacations, durable household goods and investments. Not included would be expenditures that are more or less automatic and/or non-discretionary, such as groceries, fuel or utilities.
