Thursday, June 2, 2016

Trump's Economic Adviser on Brexit

Larry gets things right here.

SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon interviwed Kudlow and noted the vote for exit is now ahead by a few points in some polls, producing a “tectonic plate shift and shockwave in London.”

Bannon asked Kudlow if the “rise of economic nationalism,” as exemplified by the Brexit vote, was a good or bad development.

“In terms of Brexit, I think this has, frankly, more to do with Britain’s culture, and government, and autonomy, as a great English-speaking, common-law, Magna Carta state,” Kudlow replied. “I think this is a rebellion against Brussels, and a rebellion against the European Union.”

“If it wins, you listen to people like Boris Johnson – he’s an MP from London, he was the mayor of London – a lot of those guys argue that they’re ceding power to Brussels, and the EU, and that Britain will never rule Britain again,” he continued. “Britain’s democracy will not be the most important factor in making decisions for the country. I think that is more  at stake. The economic stuff, we can talk about that, and there are a lot of naysayers regarding trade and banking, but I don’t buy that, frankly. I just don’t buy that.”

“I think the European Union is basically a top-down, Left-leaning, socialist-leaning, Big Government-leaning operation,” he elaborated. “Therefore, I’m highly suspicious when it comes to free markets, for example. I think the EU is not for free markets. I think the EU is for subsidies, and the EU is for welfare, and so forth, and so on.”

“London’s done a lot of good things. The EU has not. Take a look at the EU economies. Outside of Germany – which hasn’t done great, incidentally – Holland’s okay. Some reforms in places like Sweden and Denmark. I say some, not a lot. It’s a tax-heavy, regulatory operation,” Kudlow declared.
“I think Britain could do better going it alone, the bilateral route, rather than the EU route. In any event, I don’t believe for one minute that EU is gonna ‘cut off’, quote-unquote, trading and banking with Britain. I don’t believe it. I mean, there’s two years to cut a new deal on trade and finance after this thing passes, Brexit, if it passes."
(via Breitbart)


  1. Absolute Nonsense, this is a nonbinding referendum that gives the UK Govt some leverage with the French and the German governments in any dispute.
    there is no (let me fire up Elgars Enigma) "...they’re ceding power to Brussels, and the EU, and that Britain will never rule Britain again,” he continued. “Britain’s democracy will not be the most important factor in making decisions for the country."
    Westminster ceeds some power to Brussels when it decides something is useful to it which can be revoked the instant it ceases to be useful.

  2. EU law is supreme over the law of a member state.
    In Britain 90% of laws are made by the EU; 10% by the British Parliament.
