Friday, October 14, 2016

Hillary Did Not Want Bill to Cancel a Speech Before Bankster Firm Morgan Stanley....

Hillary must really love the banksters, Huma had to lie to Hillary and talk her down

From the Wikileaks Podesta email dump:
From: Robby Mook [
 Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 12:47 PM
To: Kristina Schake; Jennifer Palmieri; Huma Abedin
 Subject: WJC speeches

Morgan Stanley is coming down [Taken off the schedule-RW]--so we're good to go

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Huma Abedin <<>> wrote:

Did you ask them to do that?
From: Robby Mook [<>] Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 1:02 PM
To: Huma Abedin Subject:
 Re: WJC speeches

Yeah, john did

[The lie to Hillary-RW]

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 1:15 PM, Huma Abedin <<>> wrote:

 Ok HRC very strongly did not want him to cancel that particular speech. I think if John is getting involved in this scheduling matter, he must feel strongly. I will have to tell her that WJC chose to cancel it, not that we asked

From: Robby Mook []
 Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 1:18 PM
To: Huma Abedin; John Podesta
Subject: Re: WJC speeches

Yes the issue is that if we're announcing on the 12th/13th and he's speaking to a wall street bank on the 15th, that's begging for a bad rollout. Adding Podesta.


On Mar 11, 2015, at 7:48 PM, Huma Abedin <<>> wrote:

John and Robby – HRC is reiterating her original position. She does not want him to cancel.


On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 7:54 PM, Tina Flournoy <<>> wrote:

to reiterate what I told you this am - no one asked us to cancel. I raised the issue with John as we're at a "have to make a decision point" because the host wants to do a wide email blast. I've talked to our agent and we are on hold until tomorrow am.


From: Robby Mook []
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 8:27 PM
To: Tina Flournoy Cc: Huma Abedin; John Podesta Subject: Re: WJC speeches

I know this is not the answer she wants, but I feel very strongly that doing the speech is a mistake--the data are very clear on the potential consequences. It will be three days after she's announced and on her first day in Iowa, where caucus goes have a sharply more negative view of Wall Street than the rest of the electorate. Wall Street ranks first for Iowans among a list of institutions that "take advantage of every day Americans", scoring twice as high as the general election electorate. I recognize the sacrifice and dissapointment that cancelling will create, but it's a very consequential unforced error and could plague us in stories for months. People would (rightfully) ask how we let it happen.

I would suggest that if she is determined to keep this speech that she talk with John becuase this is a very big deal in my view.

Let me know if I can provide more information or otherwise be helpful.

Date: 2015-03-12 13:09
Subject: RE: WJC speeches
 Robby – Just raised with her again. We are good to cancel esp if WJC is ok with it.

 Just needed a cool down period.


  1. She must had just seen the film "Chappie" and really wanted to discuss the filmmaker's decision to retell the coming-of-age story through the world's first robot with consciousness.

  2. People either don't know about all these goings on (because the news media generally don't report them) or they don't care. Their hatred of Trump is visceral. If Trump loses (which appears almost certain) there will never be another "Trump", so to speak. Meaning, they will never allow another outsider to get this close again. The Democrat and Republican leaderships will collude on "rule changes" to make sure of that.

    1. They will try, but Trump is just a symptom of the serious skepticism people have toward government.

  3. "If Trump loses (which appears almost certain)"

    Good night man, it appeared almost certain he was going to lose every other time he was going to be certain to lose.
