Saturday, January 20, 2018

Nobel Prize-Winning Economist: Bitcoin Is Likely to 'Totally Collapse and Be Forgotten'

Robert Shiller, a Nobel Prize-winning Yale economist, , says that he is mystified by the rise of Bitcoin—but ultimately regards the cryptocurrency as a speculative bubble that is likely to burst, reports Time magazine.

Shiller, during a CNBC interview, compared the rise in Bitcoin to “Tulipmania.”

Shiller said on CNBC, Bitcoin “might totally collapse and be forgotten and I think that’s a good likely outcome, but it could linger on for a good long time, it could be here in 100 years.”



  1. "but it could linger on for a good long time, it could be here in 100 years"

    Shiller has quite a wide prediction there.. it could collapse.. or not. Wow! Way to go out on a ledge!

  2. That's what I like see, someone putting his neck on the line and making a definitive call.

    "Bitcoin “might totally collapse and be forgotten and I think that’s a good likely outcome, but it could linger on for a good long time, it could be here in 100 years.” "

  3. More 'safe mush' from an academic!Junk. Dave R.

  4. LOL. He must be a gun-shy Keynsian hedging his bets.
