Monday, May 7, 2018

The Robots That Milk Cows

I love capitalism.

The inability of the owner of the Kato farm, on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, to find workers, willing to take on the hard work at a cow farm, threatened the future existence of the farm. That was until the Kato family invested $2 million in robots that milk cows.

-Robert Wenzel  


  1. Well hell, looks like another door in the coffin for open border libertardians. If automation is taking such odious jobs, why do we need more immigration?

    Too bad the US is not as hard ass as Japan is about who they let immigrate. We certainly would be better off.

    1. The libertarian case against state-managed borders doesn't turn on whether there are odious jobs to fill. It simply rejects the state managing anything.

    2. In Galt's Gulch, the residents' admission criteria had nothing to with the state.

    3. And if they come other than for the bene's like healthcare, social welfare, and free education (they last one they should definitely pass on either way......more power to 'em! Also, learning the language and not isolating culturally may also help them. They they are ON THEIR OWN (meaning NO $$help from ANY State taxpayer system) to make it or fail.

    4. Also, are not the Japanese the REAL modern day Nazis??? Heil Abe! (more correctly the Japanese translation) lolol

    5. PH:

      Indeed. Unlike the U.S., Galt's Gulch was a PPS/covenant community. The libertarian case against state-managed borders has nothing to say about privately managed borders, other than to note that it's up to private property owners to admit and exclude whoever they want.

  2. Yea they have robot milkers in the Midwest too. Talked to a friend of mine that runs a car detail shop. He can't get applicants to just buff cars in at $18 an hour. In a small midwestern town. He goes to Burger King and finds the employees that hustle there and offers them $16 an hour to work for him buffing cars.

    1. Wow, car detailing is getting real expensive real fast considering what the total pkg must cost. Another 'thank you' Yellin, Bernanke, and Greenspan! (Correct RW?????)
