Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Professor Israel Kirzner Receives Distinguished Fellow Award

Will the Nobel Prize in Economics be next for him?

Joseph Salerno writes:
Congratulations to Israel Kirzner who received the Distinguished Fellow Award from the History of Economics Society at its 2018 annual meetings held in Chicago this past weekend. The Society confers the honor of “Distinguished Fellow” on “those who have contributed a lifetime of study to the history of economics.”  In receiving this honor, Professor Kirzner, one of the most illustrious representatives of the modern Austrian school,  joins a roster of eminent economists including Friedrich Hayek, George Stigler, Lionel Robbins, Don Patinkin, and Joseph Dorfman among others.  Kirzner’s book The Economic Point of View: An Essay in the History of Economic Thought, which was based on the Ph.D. dissertation he wrote under Ludwig von Mises, remains the best history of the transformation of economics from a study of the causes of material wealth to the science of human action. 

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