Monday, September 10, 2018

The Smartest Guy in the Blockchain Sector: "The days of explosive growth in the blockchain industry have likely come and gone."

The  Vitalik Buterin comment comes in the first 18 seconds.

I sat down with Vitalik back before he even launched Ethereum.

In the EPJ Daily Alert, in December 2017, I wrote:
I met the co-creator of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, in late 2013 when he was just developing the digital currency, and I had a two-hour talk with him.  He had just released a white paper on ethereum.

Essentially, Buterin argued that bitcoin needed a scripting language for application development. But when he failed to gain agreement, he proposed development of a new platform with a more general scripting language.

In 2014, Buterin was a recipient of the two-year PeterThiel Fellowship, that awards $100,000 to 20 promising innovators under 20 so they can pursue their inventions in lieu of a post-secondary institution.

I can vouch that Buterin is a very bright guy and in a world of some 1,000 e-currencies, he probably has a good a handle on what makes sense in an e-currency than anyone else. Whats more, he is intellectually honest, in a world where there are a lot of hypsters with weak programs, he is humble with a very strong program.

Thus, I find it very interesting that he is now arguing the explosive growth in the blockchain industry has come and gone. Unless there is some new use found for blockchain my guess is that Buterin is correct.


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