Thursday, October 25, 2018

Kudlow: Trump's New Tax Cuts 'May Not Surface for a While'

At a Monday night rally, President Trump once again said he plans to offer a new tax cut plan before the midterms, even though no one seems to know what it will look like or how it might get through  Congress, reports CNN.

Larry Kudlow, the top economic adviser to President, acknowledged Tuesday that Trump's proposed new tax cuts may not materialize in the near-term.

"We're working through the Ways and Means, as you have to do in these things," he said. "It may not surface for a while ... but that's his goal."


1 comment:

  1. ── President Trump once again said he plans to offer a new tax cut plan before the midterms, even though no one seems to know what it will look like or how it might get through  Congress ──

    He told reporters he expected to have the tax cut ready before the mid-terms, but when asked if he would sign an executive order (since Congress is not in session) he said that he would send the proposal to Congress to have them vote on it after the mid-terms. It's thus a time-traveling tax cut, it would seem.

    In other DJT news, the president said that the migrant caravan contains individuals from South America and *below*. It's not a joke, he told reporters this during a news conference in the Oval Office no more than a couple of days ago.
