Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Krugman: Use Taxation to Do Hidden Regulation

In his latest New York Times column, the sneaky lefty, Paul Krugman, let his guard down and explained that taxation could be used as a sneaky way to regulate:

I guess there’s some case for using taxes rather than regulations to control pollution, since you won’t be telling people directly what to do.
What does he mean by pollution? Like Starbucks, he appears to hold the view that plastic straws from the United States are suffocating the ocean. He writes:
Plastic straws really are a source of ocean pollution.
To understand how misguided this Krugman sentence is, see: The Idiotic Thinking Behind the Elimination of Plastic Straws By Starbucks.

Krugman is nothing but an apologist for the expanding state.


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