Saturday, June 8, 2019

Trump to Name Swede To Head Council of Economic Advisors

 Tomas Philipson
President Trump is expected to name Tomas Philipson, a former University of Chicago economist, as his next chief economist in the coming days, reports Politico.

Philipson, though now a US citizen, was born and raised in Sweden where he obtained his undergraduate degree in mathematics at Uppsala University. After earning his MA in mathematics at the Claremont Graduate University, he went on to receive his MA and PhD in economics from the Wharton School (which Trump attended). He then joined the University of Chicago as a postdoctoral fellow and thereafter joined the faculty.

He has a pretty strong resume as a government technocrat.

He served in the second Bush Administration as the senior economic advisor to the head of the Food and Drug Administration and subsequently as the senior economic advisor to the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. He served as a health care advisor to Senator John McCain during his campaign for President of the United States. He was appointed by the Speaker of the US House of Representatives to the Key Indicator Commission created by the Affordable Care Act. He has served as a scientific advisor to Congress on the 21st Century Cures legislation and on the steering committee of Vice President Biden's Cancer Moon Shot Initiative.

His consulting work has included work for the President's Council on Science and Technology, the National Academy of Sciences, and the UK National Health Service. It has also included work for the World Bank, the World Intellectual Property Organization, and the OECD.

His paper trail is almost exclusively essays on healthcare where he adopts a technocratic viewpoint that is slightly free market leaning but never calls for the elimination of government anywhere in the healthcare sector.

To the free market supporter, Philipson should be viewed as a swamp creature unless he proves himself otherwise. I am not ecstatic about this choice.

It is noteworthy that he only follows 5 accounts on Twitter with the only individuals being Mitt Romney and John Boehner.


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